Xpert 11 - new season on 24th Aug, needs new players!

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afraid they kena frighten by us hardcore crazy people

afraid they kena frighten away by the trannies, circle-formers etc


everyone loves ah gua :bsmilie:

wa no 1 joining us in the new season? :cry:

i think they scared of us lah
4 pages, only the few of us come here kpkb
somemore talk ah bengs, parangs, sex industries, AV, ah guas...... :sweat:
all scared
minors all run away
parents block their kids from visiting the thread....

later we start new season, all the same guys

i think they scared of us lah
4 pages, only the few of us come here kpkb
somemore talk ah bengs, parangs, sex industries, AV, ah guas...... :sweat:
all scared
minors all run away
parents block their kids from visiting the thread....

later we start new season, all the same guys

comfirm leh, our league got all e bad stuff, all e bad boys team. :bsmilie:

tonight we all oso no match.

tomolo then got match leh. :bsmilie:

Bro just change my name waiting for approval please check duno my first one got go through cos send half way i stopped it then cahenge to a second one!:sweat:

Bro just change my name waiting for approval please check duno my first one got go through cos send half way i stopped it then cahenge to a second one!:sweat:

OK!!! i go check now!

now still oni got 4 on standby.
melvin gorgor go to ur mancircle utd thread and advert leh. we need like 15more. :bsmilie:

comfirm leh, our league got all e bad stuff, all e bad boys team. :bsmilie:

Mine is good boy team you know. My team practice the good habit of sleeping early. And we only advertise top quality beds and mattress, all harmless stuff. At the most we throw in a few sheeps to help you sleep:bsmilie:

Bro just change my name waiting for approval please check duno my first one got go through cos send half way i stopped it then cahenge to a second one!:sweat:

Wah you change your team name before meeting my team. Trying to change fengshui is it:bsmilie::sticktong

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