Classifieds Type: WTSell
Equipment Type: Other
Brand: Nikon
Short Description: Nikon FM2 + 50/1.8D
Price (S$): 350
Condition of Item(s): 10
Detailed Description:
Barely used, always in dry box, all features including focus window, exposure sensor, timer still working well. Condition maintains very well.
No box, only body and lens, sell as bundle.
Name: Sam
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached
Equipment Type: Other
Brand: Nikon
Short Description: Nikon FM2 + 50/1.8D
Price (S$): 350
Condition of Item(s): 10
Detailed Description:
Barely used, always in dry box, all features including focus window, exposure sensor, timer still working well. Condition maintains very well.
No box, only body and lens, sell as bundle.
Name: Sam
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached