Classifieds Type: WTSell
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Voigtlander
Short Description: Chrome version Ultron 35mm 1.7 LTM mount (with LTM to M mount adapter)
Price (S$): 610
Condition of Item(s): 9
Detailed Description:
Item is known for its sharpness while remaining a small lens profile among LTM, with a big aperture for those who dread low light situations.
Review here:
Name: S
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Voigtlander
Short Description: Chrome version Ultron 35mm 1.7 LTM mount (with LTM to M mount adapter)
Price (S$): 610
Condition of Item(s): 9
Detailed Description:
Item is known for its sharpness while remaining a small lens profile among LTM, with a big aperture for those who dread low light situations.
Review here:
Name: S
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached