WTSell: Lens - Nikon AFS 17-35 f2.8 (FX Lens)

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May 24, 2003
Advertisement Category: Want To Sell (WTS)

Equipment Type: Lens
Equipment Brand: Nikon
Equipment Model: AFS 17-35 f2.8 (FX Lens)
Price (S$): 1350
I am selling one pf the nikon legendary ultra wide zoom lenses for FX, the Nikon ASF 17-35 f2.8. A lense that I had for years. This lens is very well build. The external body had minor signs of usage but the optics is in perfect conditions.
This lens at times will produce a squeaky noise during AF, which after I googled and found that it seem to appear on most nikon 17-35. If that really bother you then don't purchase it from me. It not the AF motor that is failing, the sound had surfaced about 3 years back and till now it is still working great and AF is still fast and accurate.
In fact, after the last buyer fly me aeroplane, I had been using this lense for my shoot quite often, still a stellar performer.
Main reason I selling it is to fund puchase for new Tamron 24-70, Since I don't shoot ultra wide now.

PM me if you are interested.

Real Name: Tan
Contact Number: 9OI2I7I9

Condition of Item: 9
Warranty Status: NA

The lense will only come front and rear caps, hood

Additional Comments:
Viewing and dealing will preferred to be at my Blk in Yew Tee. Other venue can be arranged but subjected to my convenience.

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