Classifieds Type: WTSell
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Canon
Short Description: RF 100-500mm (Mint condition with box & warranty)
Price (S$): 3500
Condition of Item(s): Mint
Detailed Description:
Mint condition lens with warranty until April 2023. It is seldom used and comes with 3m protective skin and BW filter.
Haven’t been shooting much.
Deal at 530439 (Blk 439, Hougang Avenue 8, Lift B)
Message me at nine.1.three.5.four.5.five.5
Name: Zil
Phone Number:
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Canon
Short Description: RF 100-500mm (Mint condition with box & warranty)
Price (S$): 3500
Condition of Item(s): Mint
Detailed Description:
Mint condition lens with warranty until April 2023. It is seldom used and comes with 3m protective skin and BW filter.
Haven’t been shooting much.
Deal at 530439 (Blk 439, Hougang Avenue 8, Lift B)
Message me at nine.1.three.5.four.5.five.5
Name: Zil
Phone Number: