Classifieds Type: WTSell
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Canon
Short Description: EF 50mm f1.4 USM
Price (S$): 200
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
- Condition: 8.5/10
- Well used but not abused
- Lens is clean and sharp
- Kept in dry box when not in use
- Comes with lens hood and full box
- Very reasonable price, so please do not low ball any further
Name: SK
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Canon
Short Description: EF 50mm f1.4 USM
Price (S$): 200
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
- Condition: 8.5/10
- Well used but not abused
- Lens is clean and sharp
- Kept in dry box when not in use
- Comes with lens hood and full box
- Very reasonable price, so please do not low ball any further
Name: SK
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached