Classifieds Type: WTSell
Equipment Type: DSLR
Brand: Nikon
Short Description: D810 with shutter count about 31k.
Price (S$): 1370
Condition of Item(s): 9
Detailed Description:
Let go a well used D810, with shutter count about 31k(Please refer to attached file), screen protector for main monitor and shoulder display was put on since day one, come with Dk-19 eye cap, 3x original batteries, 2x 64GB CF cards( if you don't need the memory cards, will let go with S$1320), with box
Name: Kong
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached
Equipment Type: DSLR
Brand: Nikon
Short Description: D810 with shutter count about 31k.
Price (S$): 1370
Condition of Item(s): 9
Detailed Description:
Let go a well used D810, with shutter count about 31k(Please refer to attached file), screen protector for main monitor and shoulder display was put on since day one, come with Dk-19 eye cap, 3x original batteries, 2x 64GB CF cards( if you don't need the memory cards, will let go with S$1320), with box
Name: Kong
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached