Classifieds Type: WTSell
Equipment Type: DSLR
Brand: Nikon
Short Description: Nikon D5 - XQD
Price (S$): $3000
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
It comes with the original charger, battery, unused strap, low shutter count
FOC: 2 x 64GB XQD Cards
Meet at Bishan J8 or AMK Hub
Name: Lawrence
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached
Equipment Type: DSLR
Brand: Nikon
Short Description: Nikon D5 - XQD
Price (S$): $3000
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
It comes with the original charger, battery, unused strap, low shutter count
FOC: 2 x 64GB XQD Cards
Meet at Bishan J8 or AMK Hub
Name: Lawrence
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached