Classifieds Type: WTSell
Equipment Type: DSLR
Brand: Canon
Short Description: Canon EOS5D Mk3 Body with 3 batteries/charger and Canon EF 24-105mm L4 IS USM
Price (S$): 2,000 negotiable
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
Changining system selling this well used but well taken care set, use mostly in studio product and people shoot. Kept in electronic dry cabinet when not in use.
Name: Jason Tan
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached
Equipment Type: DSLR
Brand: Canon
Short Description: Canon EOS5D Mk3 Body with 3 batteries/charger and Canon EF 24-105mm L4 IS USM
Price (S$): 2,000 negotiable
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
Changining system selling this well used but well taken care set, use mostly in studio product and people shoot. Kept in electronic dry cabinet when not in use.
Name: Jason Tan
Phone Number:
Images of Item(s):
File(s) attached