WTS: Compact - Fuji F420 with accesaries

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Senior Member
Sep 19, 2007
Advertisement Category: Want To Sell (WTS)

Equipment Type: Compact
Equipment Brand: Fuji
Equipment Model: F420 with accesaries
Price (S$): S$120
help a friend post the DC here

it is a super CCD FUjifilm F420, up to 6Mpixel,( interpolation), itwm in very good condition and very compact design; including:

1) mint condition camera
2) org, pouch and strap
3) 2 sets of original rechargeable battery
4) CD and manual( it is a Japan set, so an English version printed)
5) one original 256M xD card( fujifilm)
6) one original 1G xD card( fujifilm) ( cost S$28 on market)
7) one original xD/CF adapter( fujifilm) ( cost S$39.9on market)

USB cable has been given away for free, so not included

Real Name: Boon
Email Address: nenjia@gmail.com

Condition of Item (as per guidelines): Mint
Warranty Status: As-IS

1) mint condition camera
2) org, pouch and strap
3) 2 sets of original rechargeable battery
4) CD and manual( it is a Japan set, so an English version printed)
5) one original 256M xD card( fujifilm)
6) one original 1G xD card( fujifilm) ( cost S$28 on market)
7) one original xD/CF adapter( fujifilm) ( cost S$39.9on market)

should I:thumbsup:?

the 256M and xD/CF adapter is Olympus

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