WTS: Compact - Adox(Made in Germany) Medium Format 6x6 compact folding camera with 75/4.5 Will Wetzlar Adoxar lens

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New Member
Nov 26, 2006
Advertisement Category: Want To Sell (WTS)

Equipment Type: Compact
Equipment Brand: Adox(Made in Germany)
Equipment Model: Medium Format 6x6 compact folding camera with 75/4.5 Will Wetzlar Adoxar lens
Price (S$): $180
This is the top of the line for the Adox Golf range. They come in a variation of even the 75/6.3 and another one with the Vario shutter.

Very clean again, this is one that was CLA'ed along with the other 14 cameras in California some time back. The look is simply magnificient and the weight is so light that you be surprised ;) No dings, no dents, and lens is clear and clean. The same goes for the viewfinders. Bellow is light tight is shutter speeds work fine.

Adox Golf is as rigid and well finished as any of contemporary German folding camera. Camera is manufactured by Adox Kamerawerke in Wiesbaden.

Comes with double exposure prevention mechanism. A small hole between the shutter release and a rewind knob signs red, when the new frame is ready for an exposure.

This Adox is comparable with the one here but with a different finish and lens. See the beautiful pics taken... very soothing ;)


The pics of the Adox Golf itself. Whatever specks or strips you see on the lens are mere reflections.






Real Name: Shuttergal

Condition of Item (as per guidelines): 9
Warranty Status: Selling As Is

is it still available ? what film izzit using? 120mm?

The lovely Adox(using 120 film for 6x6 format or just like a CD cover) has found a good home on its first day ;)
But I do see CPA Jahir has a Nettar which uses 120 film with a 6x4.5 format for sale here. The picture here is not the one that CPA Jahir has for sale but it should look like this:


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