Classifieds Type: WTBuy
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Olympus
Short Description: WTB Pancake Lens (Olympus 14-42EZ, Lumix 12-32mm, Lumix 14mm, Olympus 14mm)
Price (S$): 90
Condition of Item(s): 10
Detailed Description:
Found a spare E-P2, looking to put together a small point and shoot setup. Any of the above lenses will do
Name: aloy
Phone Number:
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Olympus
Short Description: WTB Pancake Lens (Olympus 14-42EZ, Lumix 12-32mm, Lumix 14mm, Olympus 14mm)
Price (S$): 90
Condition of Item(s): 10
Detailed Description:
Found a spare E-P2, looking to put together a small point and shoot setup. Any of the above lenses will do
Name: aloy
Phone Number: