Classifieds Type: WTBuy
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Nikon
Short Description: WTB Zeiss Distagon or Milvus 15mm Nikon
Price (S$): 1
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
Do whatsapp me at 97857730 if you are looking to sell your zeiss 15mm nikon lens
Name: George Low
Phone Number:
Equipment Type: Lens
Brand: Nikon
Short Description: WTB Zeiss Distagon or Milvus 15mm Nikon
Price (S$): 1
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
Do whatsapp me at 97857730 if you are looking to sell your zeiss 15mm nikon lens
Name: George Low
Phone Number: