Classifieds Type: WTBuy
Equipment Type: Accessory
Brand: Olympus
Short Description: EC-14 (fourthird) tele converter
Price (S$): 100
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
Looking for EC-14 teleconverter for the old 4/4 50-200mm swd.
PM me if you have one to sell.
Name: James
Phone Number:
Equipment Type: Accessory
Brand: Olympus
Short Description: EC-14 (fourthird) tele converter
Price (S$): 100
Condition of Item(s): 8
Detailed Description:
Looking for EC-14 teleconverter for the old 4/4 50-200mm swd.
PM me if you have one to sell.
Name: James
Phone Number: