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New Member
Aug 15, 2007
model:maragaret white
mua: cheche matias
art and di: me
enjoy guys:)


Donut bokeh? Did you use a 500mm reflex? Or is that all DI?

This one falls way short of your normal standard.

This one falls way short of your normal standard.

:bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie: Agreed Agreed Agreed.
This one dont seem like your Style .

This one falls way short of your normal standard.

Because for once he's posted something au naturale with minimal di. I like it but for how enlongated she looks. good piece nonetheless. I hope to see more pieces like this from you in the future.

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:bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie: Agreed Agreed Agreed.
This one dont seem like your Style .

Not really, has nothing to do with my preference. I found the overall composition too busy, and the focus of attention seemed to be drawn to her feet/shoe and to that bunch of vegetation to the lower left of the picture.

Oveall, the impact is there, but one of confusion. Gives me a headache just looking at the picture.

Do take note of that straight branch just behind the top of her head. I'll darken that if possible. Cheers:)

The perspective of this pic tells me it's not a 500mm mirror lens. Might be some kind of tilt/shift lens.:what:

Yup, that's why I was asking... At first glance it looks more like 85mm, but the background bokeh is like a 500mm reflex. :dunno:

Yup, that's why I was asking... At first glance it looks more like 85mm, but the background bokeh is like a 500mm reflex. :dunno:

More like a 50mm or even wider (I think).:think: If it's on a full frame camera.

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sembawang park? nice one

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