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Senior Member
Apr 28, 2003



the proportions of your model in pic 1 looks abit weird. i like pic 2 except for the stray hair and the blown areas on her nose. think u nvr do as much DI this time round right? :D

pic 2 for me :thumbsup:

no.3 bro!!:lovegrin::lovegrin:

best one is #2 bro and the alt verison u have on your blog. Like how it shows marg's soft feminine beauty.

love the skin tone except for the nose that was pointed out by sir phoakm - this is a solid set...very pro...

thank you!!

the proportions of your model in pic 1 looks abit weird. i like pic 2 except for the stray hair and the blown areas on her nose. think u nvr do as much DI this time round right? :D

you guess it! hahaa... the weird proportions of the model in pic 1 could be an optical illusion by the gown design.

pic 2 for me :thumbsup:

no.3 bro!!:lovegrin::lovegrin:

thanks bro!

best one is #2 bro and the alt verison u have on your blog. Like how it shows marg's soft feminine beauty.

beautiful, beautiful work!

i LOVE the last one.

oh wait, that's the one you put on your msn avatar before.

really appreciate for taking time to view :lovegrin: thanks!

Miss your work bro. Always so pro until I don't know where I am!

I :heart: #3 shot. Very classic glam shot, and very clean!

For #1, your model must have curse at you. Make her do this pose, so siong! :bsmilie:

Just joking hoh...:)

Lazy to create a new thread with a new title -_-"

Here's something with experimental DI.
Wonder if it works :think:



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