Will you stop your gf or wife from posting artistic nude photo of herself on web?

will u stop your gf or wife post artistic nude photo of herself on her blog?

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mattlock said:
I'm sure some people here know my stance regarding the whole spg thing, which is it's no big deal
my girlfriend has had nude pictures of herself taken by a photographer in australia, and I myself have done nude photos of her.Would I like her to post it up on a site frequented by Singaporeans? No,because there is no appreciation for the human body as a beautiful form in Singapore, and the people who make noise about it being disgusting and immoral are many times those people who actually secretly look out for porn all the time
I wouldn't mind having it posted in an European context where the nude is not seen as disgusting and you'll actually find alot of nudes present in their advertising.

it's all about context.

I agree.

In western societies, nudity or semi-nudity is not seen as a big hoo-haa. It won't make headlines in any newspapers like in S'pore.

In Singapore, I have raised enough eyebrows and caused enough stirs by simply shooting gals in bikinis. Young and supposedly westernise Singaporean women have given me weird looks when I open my portfolio. You can imagine lingerie to be even worse, and if I publicly displayed my nude work, I'll be next in the news headlines!

Very roughly about 2 years ago, a young S'porean teen gal living in Simei made The New Paper front page for owning 50 bikinis! Come on, it's only bikinis for crying out loud. What next? Find a young gal who owns 50 g-strings?

Clearly, Singapore and many Singaporeans are still very conservative and uptight about showing skin. Many are pretentious about their claims that they are "open-minded" and "accepting" of liberal issues.

During the time of opposition MP Steve Chia's nude photo scandal, 2 local TV shows on Channel I and Channel U (if I recall the channels correctly) went on air about artistic nude photography in S'pore. In 1 of the programmes, the reporter did find out that Singaporeans harbour a hypocritical opinion about nudity. They (claim to) accept it, it can happen on others, but not on their own family members. (I recorded both programmes and had them archived into VCD format. I think it's the best publicised proof of the nation's hypocrisy.)

Singapore's highly boasted "world class" education system has its carefully censored unpublicised shortcomings. How much art is offered in schools? Despite all the efforts by the government to promote and improve the arts in S'pore, it has not reached the kind of level present in a western society. Moreover, the mindset of most Singaporeans are still along the lines of "art/sport has no future". Most Singaporeans can't really appreciate art, much less nudity in/as art, at least not in the way westerners do. The art we enjoy are most commonly are Hollywood blockbusters and porno movies.

I could make headlines (although negative ones) in S'pore by posting my nude work on the web but what for? To be labelled even more as a "pervert" by a majority of Singaporeans who know nuts? I rather do it if I know my audience are more mature and art-appreciative westerners.

hongsien said:
I did see alot of girls wearing those sexy short while I was in SG (not that I minded, as long as they have nice legs....), this was something I was amazed at as I noticed people were still conservative.........

Of course! You are so right!

I assume that you are a citizen of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is so much more liberal. For one, BB air guns are legal in Hong Kong, and guys play them in the open.

Singapore is a country where you can have gals wearing short shorts but quickly, unfairly and unforgivingly call guys "pervert" just for looking. (This doesn't really happen as often or as badly in western nations. The women accept the fact that men will be men, and men will surely look.)

Singapore is a country where a teenage gal owning 50 bikinis can make front page news! It's a nation where gals may wear bikinis on the beach but they refuse to model them for you, and view you as a "pervert" if you have done such images.

Jemapela said:
I could make headlines (although negative ones) in S'pore by posting my nude work on the web but what for? To be labelled even more as a "pervert" by a majority of Singaporeans who know nuts? I rather do it if I know my audience are more mature and art-appreciative westerners.

Post your nude work here. I'm sure CSers are a mature and art-appreciative audience. :bsmilie:

Sion said:
Post your nude work here. I'm sure CSers are a mature and art-appreciative audience. :bsmilie:

How, moderators? Can or not? :dunno: :think:

question is: do u think your wife/gf would give a shyt what you think?

Hmmm, I remember not too long ago, there was this animal rights group where the women
bared themselves to protest against wearing animal skins. The guys quickly took out
their still & videocams. The girls went shy and covered themselves. This happened in the west.
Why are asians considered as conservative and the west not?:dunno:

If I'd kept the papers with a pic(censored)!:bsmilie:

Life existed just fine before SPG posted the pics. And life will exist just fine again after posting the pics.

But during this transition, boring Spore has some interesting topic to bitch about. Btw, before SPG, there were some others who have done similar but just did not get the media attention. That's just the way it is and that's how the society is moving forward (or backward, depending on your moral viewpoint).

Anyway, censorship is already being relaxed with NC16 and M18 ratings. Maybe SPG is ahead of her time. Or maybe putting a M18 on her website would solve everything....

Nope, I will not stop your gf or wife post artistic nude photo of herself on web. :D

But seriously folks,

I'd say it's her decision. If she wants to, so be it. But I won't actively promote her site either.

HOWEVER, if she looks horrigible in the shots, whether it's due to lousy photography, or hairy armpits and cellulite all over the place, then I'll tell her don't lah. Make me malu only.

Then again, say only. Dunno how I would actually react if she make such a suggestion. But won't happen lah. My lady fiercely guards her privacy, especially on the internet.

why so selfish? keep good things to yourself. share with Csers leh. hehe!

AngelZhou said:
In my case boyfriend rite? NO NO NO NO NO Supposed to be my viewing pleasure only =p

In the web nowaday you could find tonned of SUPER PRETTY NUDE GIRL PICTURE:lovegrin: , Won't make a different if you post your under-use(singaporean sex activity survey) wife nude picture here and get tonned of comment:sweat: and end up the survey result will dip some more..:sweatsm: :bsmilie:

Can post body but cannot post the face with it...:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

soma said:
Can post body but cannot post the face with it...:bsmilie: :bsmilie:
Hypocracy at its worst.

Deadpoet said:
Hypocracy at its worst.
hahaha.. :thumbsup: (another act of hypocracy):bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Hope to see your wife or gf artistic nude photo someday here, remember to send me a PM when you post..:sticktong :sticktong

soma said:
hahaha.. :thumbsup: (another act of hypocracy):bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Hope to see your wife or gf artistic nude photo someday here, remember to send me a PM when you post..:sticktong :sticktong
If my gf or wife wants to post her nude photos on the net, it's her choice.

What rights does a husband or bf has to forbid such an act? None!

Soma, if you want to gawk and drool, please go ahead. Btw, eat your heart out, if it happens, she is a beauty worthy of her picture being posted. Jealous?

Deadpoet said:
If my gf or wife wants to post her nude photos on the net, it's her choice.

What rights does a husband or bf has to forbid such an act? None!

Soma, if you want to gawk and drool, please go ahead. Btw, eat your heart out, if it happens, she is a beauty worthy of her picture being posted. Jealous?

er... jealous of what..??:confused: I don't understand WTF are you talking about..BTW NPNT...:sticktong :sticktong :sticktong

soma said:
er... jealous of what..??:confused: I don't understand WTF are you talking about..BTW NPNT...:sticktong :sticktong :sticktong

Really. So you are confused. I am not surprised, can see it, had to rsort to "WTF" now. No worry, I can help.

Let me try to put it in more simple terms to you.

1. Jeaslous of what? Well that I might have a gf or wife, pretty enough and that the quality their nude pictures nude pictures is high enough, to be posted.
2. That she has such courage and open mind to do so.
3. That I have an open mind and confidence to not interfer.
Hope you are a little bit less confused.
4. NPNT. Well, we are talking in hypothetical here. We are not talking about specific. I am not proofing to anyone that she did it or not, I am saying I will let her. If she ever cme to me about this topic, I will definately encourage her to do so.

By the way, please continue to be jealous, if you like.

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