Will I look funny?

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New Member
Jan 7, 2007
Hi all,

if I set up my D90+77mmCPL+50mm 1.8+step down ring 77-52

will I look funny ar ?
Cos the front of the cam will look strangly big with a small 50mm.

Appriciate your kind advice.

yah, u'll look funny, i'm laughing already

ha ha ha ha

aiyah, who gives a dam as long as ur pics dnt look funny (unless intentional lah)

Ya you will look funny with it. but the cost saving will be huge if you get a pro lens later on. It doesnt matter as long your photo look good.

heck care la if can save $
My Kenko Pro1Digital costed me $100.
It is not rational to waste another few hundred bucks to get a few more CPLs.
I cannot imagine if I'm using B&W.

But seriously, I would still suggest that you get another 52mm CPL if you confirm that these are the only 2 sizes that you gonna use for long term and you are using a cheap CPL like <$50. At least then, you wont look funny, or have the feeling that people are laughing at you.

Hi all,

if I set up my D90+77mmCPL+50mm 1.8+step down ring 77-52

will I look funny ar ?
Cos the front of the cam will look strangly big with a small 50mm.

Appriciate your kind advice.

I don't think you look funny but you sound funny.
It should be a step-up ring, not step-down.

Step up from 52mm to 77mm because the 50mm f1.8 is 52mm thread size but your CPL is 77mm.

Anyway, I think it don't look funny. I got all my filter as 77mm, so stepping up is no issue.

I cannot imagine if I'm using B&W.

u must be thinking of B+W

if u r using B&W, u really have to imagine :bsmilie:

Hi all,

if I set up my D90+77mmCPL+50mm 1.8+step down ring 77-52

will I look funny ar ?
Cos the front of the cam will look strangly big with a small 50mm.

Appriciate your kind advice.

tell you one trick... the 77mm can be squeeze into the Nikon HR-2 rubber lens hood... and also, it would slip into the Hoya 52mm generic hood... but handle with care, you could easily drop the CPL from the lens hood... i use it like that to save the trouble taking down hood, attach step up ring and CPL then use... i only use the CPL with step up ring from 72mm lens...

it's make sense to save money to buy only 1 CPL since you won't use it all the time... so hope this helps...

Is there a direct 52-77mm step-up ring? I was visualising 52-58 + 58-62 + 62-67 + 67-72 + 73-77mm step up rings stacked in front of the 50mm lens. It will look a little funny; but, still, gets the job done.

Comparatively, a decent 52mm CPL is not too expensive, as it's small. Direct fit onto many prime lenses like 24mm, 28mm, 35mm and 50mm.

I keep a 52mm and a 77mm CPL.

heck care la if can save $
My Kenko Pro1Digital costed me $100.
It is not rational to waste another few hundred bucks to get a few more CPLs.
I cannot imagine if I'm using B&W.

But seriously, I would still suggest that you get another 52mm CPL if you confirm that these are the only 2 sizes that you gonna use for long term and you are using a cheap CPL like <$50. At least then, you wont look funny, or have the feeling that people are laughing at you.

Is there a direct 52-77mm step-up ring? I was visualising 52-58 + 58-62 + 62-67 + 67-72 + 73-77mm step up rings stacked in front of the 50mm lens. It will look a little funny; but, still, gets the job done.

I think will get vignetting.

it works without vignetting... i used to do like that also...
my friend said my lens looks like frilled-neck lizard...

it works without vignetting... i used to do like that also...
my friend said my lens looks like frilled-neck lizard...

thats good.
but even when shooting at 18mm also wont cause vignetting meh?

It's a 50mm prime lens, so can't zoom. Generally stepping up should not cause vignetting. Stepping down could.

thats good.
but even when shooting at 18mm also wont cause vignetting meh?

look funny - yes....
be bothered about it - no....

as long as ur objective to save money and practicality when u use pro-lens later
and ur picture is good....why not, go for it

Sometimes I also do that with my 67mm CPL on my 50mm F1.4. It's a cheap solution instead of buying another 52mm CPL, but the problem is when i use this way, i need to have another 67mm lens cap.;p

Hi all,

if I set up my D90+77mmCPL+50mm 1.8+step down ring 77-52

will I look funny ar ?
Cos the front of the cam will look strangly big with a small 50mm.

Appriciate your kind advice.
Yes very funny,

thanks guys !
really appriciate your comments.

ya hor... i should care how my photo turns out... :thumbsup:

yep.. its for saving $$ of cos....

but one small kan-cheong issue...

the ring gets stuck to the CPL very often...
damn panic...
eg: wanna change filter back to UV,

(UV i will get the lens size for each lens, anyway, i only have 18-105 and 50mm at the moment)

tell you one trick... the 77mm can be squeeze into the Nikon HR-2 rubber lens hood... and also, it would slip into the Hoya 52mm generic hood... but handle with care, you could easily drop the CPL from the lens hood... i use it like that to save the trouble taking down hood, attach step up ring and CPL then use... i only use the CPL with step up ring from 72mm lens...
that reminds me,
wat hood can i put on.... since the front of the 50mm lens is 52mm
but the 77mm CPL will get in the way

Is there a direct 52-77mm step-up ring? I was visualising 52-58 + 58-62 + 62-67 + 67-72 + 73-77mm step up rings stacked in front of the 50mm lens. It will look a little funny; but, still, gets the job done.
nope 52-77 direct... one small ring

it works without vignetting... i used to do like that also...
my friend said my lens looks like frilled-neck lizard...
looks like the cartoon,
the single eye moster...

how to unscrew cpl fast. my super slim cpl always stuck.

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