Why do you stick to Sony DSLR?

boombox said:
Why stick with Sony DSLR?

I started with it, if I can't get a good photo and jump to another brand - I'd be in denial.

It's like throwing away a paint brush because you can't paint.

It's sad to see people quickly blaming everything else, rather than making an introspection to find out what's happened and how he can improve.

They jump to another brand, still no love. Then jump to another one, still, no love.

If something isn't working - make it work: It makes one a better photographer.

Jumping over is an easy way out, and would only frustrate more if results are still unsatisfactory. Everyone has a tool set that they are used to, and while I do work with cameras from other brands, I rely on my current system because it's familiar, with a well established workflow, affordable. And for the A850, it's a well made, tough and resilient (shot under the wash of a waterfall, many times in the rain) full frame camera which delivers the best indoor and outdoor portraiture shooting performance I've seen for that price bracket, in camera technologies make vintage lenses relevant.

If that explanation doesn't suffice, a few photos from the phone would. :)

Sony lens are much cheaper than the rest. Let them jump to C/N. Eventually skill is the main factor in capturing good pictures. I very happy with my a500.
I noticed even pro can't even get a good low angle shots or high angle (where many pple is blocking the front). Only a a few C/N can. But sony all models except FF. I waiting for the new FF with flexible LCD.

Sony lens are much cheaper than the rest. Let them jump to C/N. Eventually skill is the main factor in capturing good pictures. I very happy with my a500.
I noticed even pro can't even get a good low angle shots or high angle (where many pple is blocking the front). Only a a few C/N can. But sony all models except FF. I waiting for the new FF with flexible LCD.

No matter what equipment u use..if ur photography skills suck!! the photo u take will still come out SUCKZ..

agree with u :D

Not really the exact answer to the main question in subject but i came on board Sony dSLR due to bad experience with C-brand compact.

My IXUS had battery problems within a year. It had no battery meter and I always had to rely on luck before battery juice runs out. The AF'ing also went bonkers after a year and started being unable to focus intermittently. Then I realized I had a Cybershot 3.2MP that I kept in the store that I haven't used for decades. And guess what, when I took it out and pump in new batteries, it was still working as good as before. Due to that, I had a phobia going back to C and decided to try my luck with Sony among others. And ever since that, I never looked back. Although it's just a beginner's A33, I had a lot of fun and as a matter of fact, still having lots of fun with it.

Sorry to bore ya'll with the lengthy yakking but well, its the solid truth. :)

Well, I shot Pentax back in the days. Sold the entire (small) outfit on the strength of one body; the Minolta 9000. I have built an extensive lens lineup so now it's almost impossible to change, but the question isn't "why", it's "why not"? I have a couple of pro gear shooters from competing systems in my camera club, and they don't get better pictures, and their equipment isn't typically better.

Had the opportunity to directly compare their D700s and 5DmkIIs to my a900 a month ago, and I can't say one camera was nicer than the other, except for vertical grips where Sony smokes the competition (and I thought Nikon had the edge in AF).

Every brand has its strengths and drawbacks. I'm quite happy with what Sony has been doing too, they gave us the CZ 135 which probably is the most awesome A mount lens ever.

Another good reason to stick to Sony.

Sony Service Center give you winning 4D number.

Unfortunately, I buy Sunday 4D but forgot to buy Wednesday 4D :cry:

Another good reason to stick to Sony.

Sony Service Center give you winning 4D number.

Unfortunately, I buy Sunday 4D but forgot to buy Wednesday 4D :cry:

Wah..like that also can..

I use Sony because they have the NEX system.. very portable and produce very good pictures.
Their DSLR have In-build IS which is something i would love to have and although lenses are kinda limited. But its still OK since i wont be owning anything more than those anyway. Overall.. Sony is cheaper also.
Right now im just waiting for Sony to launch a New FF with liveview.. ill be the first to purchase..