Why do you NOT want a DSLR?

Why do you NOT want a DSLR?

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thanks eosdigital for reviving this thread :)
i read the previous few threads, and MY GOODNESS post #198 caught my eye.
What is RacerzGTR writing? It certainly ain't english. Standards are really falling in Singapore...

for me $$ iz a prob cos still young nid and bao money for lik 2 yrs den buy den one more image quality i used my dad's D80 and it sucked a littile and lastly not digital zoom lik once i was in a bus with my S3 Is it took a bird from a distance with digital but my dad's DSLR can't took it as its lens are either too short or not digital zoom nid t ocrop but noise will be visible

Yup, could not understand it too. This SMS lingo is getting too much for me. No punctuation too... :sweat:

Why I do not want a DSLR?

- The noise is too low at high ISO, need post processing to have a grainy effect, too troublesome and time consuming.
- Too much details captured, bad for portrait, ladies might not like it.
- Able to shoot RAW at decent speed which gives you greater tolerance, bad for learning.
- Less people own it compared to compact digital, others might mistaken you as snobbish and unconforming.
- Allows you to use extreme perspective lenses such as ultra wide angle, resulting in a weird looking image with unrealistic and exagerated distance between objects.
- Allows you to use extreme telephoto and shoot bird without scaring them away, animals need privacy too, how unkind it is to shoot them especially when they are naked?
- Allows you to use tilt and shift lenses to achieve some desired effect, you might be accused of competing unfairly.
- If you are a professional, it gives customer the feeling that you use good equipments and produces quality photographs (not necessarily artistic wise but at least technically), thus giving the impression you give is you charge a lot.
- Most still uses archaic storage media such as CF card, what a shame. Long life to xD card and memory stick!

That's all I can think of right now, this crap shouldn't been invented in the first place.

Man, this is good :bsmilie:

Why? Because any 120 camera beats it easily-- and they're much cheaper and smaller!

GTZ's post is naive. Digital Zoom? Compare the SLR zoom and the so called digital zoom photos on the PC and you can see the obvious difference.

Digital Zoom is bullshit my dear boy, it's nothing other than cropping. What a joke! :sweatsm::sweatsm:

GTZ's post is naive. Digital Zoom? Compare the SLR zoom and the so called digital zoom photos on the PC and you can see the obvious difference.

Digital Zoom is bullshit my dear boy, it's nothing other than cropping. What a joke! :sweatsm::sweatsm:

you actually understood the gibberish (or was it German? or French?) that he wrote on his post? ;)

What was he smoking when he posted that? :S

I find that compacts are lost / misplaced / stolen a lot more easily. My mom just lost her 4mp Panasonic Lumix yesterday when she went shopping and left her bags at toys r us counter. Some guy probably stole it. And it's not the camera that matters, it's the photos inside. Sheesh.

The one reason why I don't want a dslr is because compacts are well, compact, and also the mirror flip.

ever since i got a DSLR, i've been wasting too much money and too much time on lens and post-processing. and used it less than 10 times ever since i bought it. but i lend it to my friends on almost every other weekend. bummer. regret siaaaaaaaaa.....

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i've been wasting too much money and too much time on lens

Totally agree! It's an addiction :bsmilie:

How many lens are enough? Prime lens, zoom lens, telephoto lens...etc.

Not to mention tripods, backpack, memory cards. It's a small fortune! $$$

few things i dont like about dslr are size & weight. but after seeing the results, i dont mind at all.:thumbsup:

hahhaa I have to agree with you on that.
However, it is not the only hobby/interest that requires spending a substantial amount of $. Anyway this ties back to another thread about photography being only for those with $$$.

The point is:
You would buy a DSLR because:
- it offers the photographic performance that you require, to get the photos that you want.
- you like showing off the latest and greatest photographic gear (i.e. also means that you have very deep pockets :) )

Totally agree! It's an addiction :bsmilie:

How many lens are enough? Prime lens, zoom lens, telephoto lens...etc.
Not to mention tripods, backpack, memory cards. It's a small fortune! $$$

DSLR's are nice but their lenses, when attached onto camera, gives your average non-camera-bag a "hard-on".

I travel everywhere with a camera but all the time but not always with my mediumformat or dslr. Put a 35mm slr in with a nice compact 50mm CZJ lens and i'm good to go.

My first digital was a Sony DSC-75, a 3 megapixel camera which I bought for almost $1000. It was part of my travels for several years taking pictures I thought were "good enough".

Then I bought my first DSLR in Japan and discovered more natural looking and less happy-snap photos. I realised that I can be a lot more creative with my D50 and its single kit lens than with the Sony or any other consumer digicams. Everything about it was far superior though to be fair we're comparing 6.1 megapixel vs 3.

But I guess once you jump onto the DSLR/SLR bandwagon there were a whole lot of stuff I was unprepared for like the millions of lenses to buy for the millions of possibilities, its no longer about taking pictures but making them into some art form. Then you need to worry about accessories like tripods, extra batteries, filters etc that you almost become some kind of mechanic needing to carry around some toolbox. Then you have to face the photo snobs, camera snobs, lens snobs etc etc.

Its been 4 years since I got my DSLR and I still haven't invested in any of that, but I'm slowing changing and am about to buy my second lens and maybe a filter!

I've never considered photography a hobby as I already have a wealth of them (cars, headphones, HDTV, food etc), but it has gotten interesting now that I have a flickr account and forums such as these. It has become a learning experience and something that I can put to great use since I travel so much.

ever since i got a DSLR, i've been wasting too much money and too much time on lens and post-processing. and used it less than 10 times ever since i bought it. but i lend it to my friends on almost every other weekend. bummer. regret siaaaaaaaaa.....

wow, i wld like to be ur fren too :thumbsup: haha.

take it out urself to shoot more. less than 10 times? :think: if u make it a point to shoot at least once a week, ull love ur dslr soon. and when tt happens, u wont want to lend it to ur frens if its ur only dslr body. haha.

My goodness, this poll is still alive! With new posts!

I must say, the context of the poll has changed a lot since CK first posted it. Back then the debate was between film SLRs, bridge cameras, and DSLRs. Then DSLRs barely hit 6 megapixels, and still needed a 4 digit investment of money, and even then had poky sub-systems like slow AF (anyone still remember the D30 and D60 AF?). Now we get all these people complaining about the 5DII's 9 AF points and Nikon's "meagre" 12 megapixel cameras. :p

Yeah, I remembered people debating about the D50 when it first came out while everyone worshipped the D70, D100 and D2X. Then the D70s was released and Nikon suddenly became very consumer friendly since then. Is 12 megapixels better than 6? j/k :p

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