Which flash is better for D40X?

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Dec 1, 2008
Can fellow Snappers please advise! Thanks

Well i suggest SB600. Will be sufficient unless you are using a higher end slr.

Hmm, I don't think there's such a thing as a better flash for any particular camera. Get a flash which will better suit your needs instead.

sb600 for more control of bouncing the light

SB600 is good but I like my SB400 too, although it has its limitation.

Just to check, does any one has 2 SB600s instead of 1 SB600 and 1 SB800 for CLS?

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Just get the best you can afford, imho. You would want as much power as you can afford with bounce flash, because you'd never know when it may come in handy.

I just bought an SB800 recently for my D40X and have loved it since. Still learning how to use it well but with a high-end flash like the SB800 (or even the SB900) you will almost never need to upgrade for as long as the flash stays functional.

I'm not sure how the D40X goes with the SB900 though, since it's bigger than the SB800 which already feels a little heavy on the D40X.

Hmm, I don't think there's such a thing as a better flash for any particular camera. Get a flash which will better suit your needs instead.
Big head small body will be a bit unbalance for holding.

Big head small body will be a bit unbalance for holding.

Actually, its a misconception. if you hold the 70-200 f2.8 lens on a D300 body...it will also be unbalance.
Just work with it. u will get used to it soon enough.

I am SB 400 and SB 800...although the latter is heavy...makes D40X kinda off balanced evn with my battery grip on..:)

Actually, its a misconception. if you hold the 70-200 f2.8 lens on a D300 body...it will also be unbalance.
Just work with it. u will get used to it soon enough.
how about a 500mm F4 and a D40... i think u'll break the D40 first. :bsmilie:

Pls Try it with some experience before commenting.

how about a 500mm F4 and a D40... i think u'll break the D40 first. :bsmilie:

Pls Try it with some experience before commenting.

Have you seen the 500mm before?

Thats not even meant to be shot without at least a monopod. It would most prob break any camera if you pivot it at one end.. n D40 is just one of them..

Go with either the SB-800 or the SB-600. You won't go wrong with any of them. The SB-600 does 80+% of what the SB-800 does for about $200 less. Since they are clearing stock for the SB-800 as its discontinued, you might be able to get them at a much cheaper price.

Go with either the SB-800 or the SB-600. You won't go wrong with any of them. The SB-600 does 80+% of what the SB-800 does for about $200 less. Since they are clearing stock for the SB-800 as its discontinued, you might be able to get them at a much cheaper price.

Who are the "they" that are clearing stocks?????

Better for power is SB800,
Better for D40 shape is SB600,
Better to get newer one is SB900.
Nicely summarised... :D

Better for power is SB800,
Better for D40 shape is SB600,
Better to get newer one is SB900.

well said. looks like TS woud have to buy all 3 SB liao...:bsmilie:

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