Which film is best for bright and saturated colors?

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Jan 10, 2003
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Film newbie here, looking for a moderately priced film that can give me bright and strong colors. Any recommendations?


fuji velvia is the powerhouse. but not moderately priced though ;)

negative film:

actually all look more or less the same to me :D but fuji superia xtra is a good all-rounder :thumbsup:

abit more expensive is fuji REALA (ISO 100). good for "sentosa portraits"

others like fuji NPH also good (they call it wedding film)

for more speed, try fuji press800 (indoor lowlight events)

for other brands (kodak? etc) i dunno

NPH doesn't seem to produce saturated colour at all, in fact it is lower in contrast compared to the normal consumer films.

Fuji NPC160, Reala or Kodak Porta VC are the ones to try for increased colour and contrast for more punch to your images.

I read Practical Photography and they recommended Agfa Ultra Color 100 and Kodak Royal Supra 200, anybody who has tried these films?

How much does Velvia cost?

I would recommend the Samsung Prime Color Film...

Originally posted by thoa_rs
Film newbie here, looking for a moderately priced film that can give me bright and strong colors. Any recommendations?

For slides, any slides rated at IS0 100 or below. (With exception to Fuji Astia, which is actually designed to be a portrait film).

For negatives, as mentioned Fuji NPC 160 and Kodak Portra 160VC are good and are widely used in commercial photography.

And depending on what you are intending to shoot, different brands of film have different spectrum enhancement for saturation. Fuji films typical has more enhanced saturation towards the blues and greens while Kodak films are generally warmer in the reds.

If you are not too concerned about wildly saturated colours, then Konica negative films have good saturations throughout the colour spectrum, but sometimes it feel a bit unnatural.
Konica Centuria 100 and Pro 160 are rich.
And amazingly, they have a ISO 50 negative film called Impresa 50 Pro that's quite amazing in the saturation. ( That is if you can find it here.)

i would say its fuji velvia film

Originally posted by thoa_rs
I read Practical Photography and they recommended Agfa Ultra Color 100 and Kodak Royal Supra 200, anybody who has tried these films?

How much does Velvia cost?

velvia costs about 9.80 avg...
and yes, it is the most vividly saturated film ard...
negatives dont generally give great colour and it depends much on the lab you process it at, especially if you print at a digital lab...

to me, most fuji slide films are worth a try, even the consumer ones like sensia and astia... if you got more budget, try velvia(ASA 50), provia100F and Provia 400F for more speed...

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