Which film do your use most/often?

Which film do your use most/often?

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Agfa optima 100,200,400
Agfa RSX2
Kodak Tri-X
Kodak TMX
Kodak TMY
Ilford HP5
llford FP4
Ilford Pan F
Ilford Delta 100
Ilford Delta 400
Kodak verichrome pan
Kodak plus-x

i use fuji superia 200 most of the time.
sometimes provia 100
very rarely velvia50 unless very special events
just found out recently kodak HD 200 is very good too. but a little expensive. can be bought at Tanjong Pagar plaza (those HDB flats) photo lab call KC Advance. i love their Noritsu digital printing machine. :)

fuji velvia 50, 100F. somehow prefer the 100F version, seems like colour is more punchier?
for print film, use kodak supra 400 quick often.

vader said:
1. Ilford HP-5
2. Ilford FP-4
3. Ilford PAN-F
4. Kodak Tri-X Pan
5. Fuji Neo Pan
6. Fuji superia X-Tra

btw, where to get fuji neopan in singapore?

Before was a fan of Supra 400 and Portra 160 NC

Noawadays I use...

Superia Xtra 400 for Daily Normal Use...
Superia 800/Press 800 for available light...
lately NPC160...for events

Nowadays use Supra 400.
For slides, I had used the defunct Fuji MS100/1000

Fuji superia 400 (general) and 800 (indoor),
Fuji NPH sometimes.

kodak HD200 rules the finiest grain i've seen so far. color could be better though

Kodak Tri-X
Kodak T-Max
Ilford HP5
Kodak E100 VS
Press 800

Film is the only way to shoot..woot...

Most of the time using Supreria 200, but use Hp-5 and Tri-X quite often too. For slides, I use Velvia 50. :D

i`m using Fuji Neopan 1600 & 3200, Ifford 1600 & 3200 most of the time... not to mention IBM Micro Drive hehhe :)

normally will juz use superia 200...cheap and effective....but in serious times...


1. Fuji Reala 100
2. Kodak Royal Supra 200
3. Fuji Velvia 100F
4. Fuji Provia 400F

I used to use Kodak Royal 100 until they replaced the Royal range with the Royal Supra range and refused to come up with an ISO100 version... so irritating.

btw... sorry guys... but I've only just returned to Singapore after spending 4 years in London. Where do you fellas buy your film in bulk? In UK, there are many online shops selling photographic items (eg www.7dayshop.com)... are there any in Singapore?

Provia 100F
Velvia 50
Superia 200/400
dun like kodak - unless it's free :D

ain't nuttin like good ol' film.... :blah:

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