Which CIS ink system is really good for Canon I9950?

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New Member
Dec 8, 2004
Hey all,

I'm been shopping for a good CIS system for my I9950 canon printer but still cannot decide on which.

Problem is I'm been very impress with original inks results but the cost is pretty high.

Any one here uses the same printer with a CIS system that you're very happy with? No clog no problems.


here's a suggestion you can consider.

instead of buying a CIS system straightaway (since it's costly), if the 3rd party manufacturer has cartridges...like sepom...perhaps you can use that first to see if the results is to your satisfaction. if you are, go ahead and get the CIS.

since you are using a canon printer, you can buy a brand new head with a full set of ink to replace the spoilt one without having to bring your printer down to the service centre.

Quite frankly, I don't know if it's just me but I absolutely hated the results when I tried 3rd party inks and papers in my printer...

But honestly, try out the others and see if you like the results. Be warned though that if you have to change the ink cradle, it's not exactly cheap...

jfoo said:
here's a suggestion you can consider.

instead of buying a CIS system straightaway (since it's costly), if the 3rd party manufacturer has cartridges...like sepom...perhaps you can use that first to see if the results is to your satisfaction. if you are, go ahead and get the CIS.

since you are using a canon printer, you can buy a brand new head with a full set of ink to replace the spoilt one without having to bring your printer down to the service centre.

Better to bring a jpg to print at the shop and see if you like the result. If you use sepom (or any other cartridge ink) it may react with CIS ink resulting in gum-like substance that clog your print heads. You'd need to use some window cleaner fluid or other ammonia based solvant to clean / flush your clogged heads. Not the best way to do it.;p

actually i tink its best to use the original ink cartridges....3rd part inks normally dun produce the same results as the original...

Witness said:
actually i tink its best to use the original ink cartridges....3rd part inks normally dun produce the same results as the original...

Yeah, for photographs its best to use original inks.
CIS is good for large volume general prints where color accuracy and longevity isn't very impt.;)

yes that's what I realise, my recent prints using secom totally change after few months, what's black now turn brown. :(

Also it use to jam my i9100 print head quite badly, so now I wouldn't dare to use it on the i9950. :p

So far I've also used candidat the result are goodm no jam printhead problems, problem is it doesn't come in 8 colors. Secom is the one that seem to produce the greated color difference and problems.

Guess it's back to original cartriges, tho is not environment friendly and cost a bomb!

Cheapest so far for canon 6 series cartridges is $14 bucks. :p

gomobile said:
yes that's what I realise, my recent prints using secom totally change after few months, what's black now turn brown. :(


Even expensive original ink change colours after a few months. It all depend what type of paper you use (acid free?) and how you store it. :cool:

ic, :)

i realise if using paper other than those from canon the color will change also.

i'm using ori inks on Konica premium glossy paper, color fade very fast,
print on Canon paper, color's still great... 1 year plus, fade not as scary as on konica paper(last for about 3 months only)... all details on faces of group shot r gone on konica paper... on canon paper, just a bit green cast, detail still there...

with non ori inks(CIS), print on konica's, can last for 6+ months... but on canon plus glossy paper, ain't last long either...

but d color ain't great as ori inks...
a bit dull with 3rd party ink...

Meaning non ori inks last longer on konica paper compared to ori one?

I use to konica ones also, really cannot last, i tried a tdk ones before. really good tho.

now i'm using Spectra, quite good... last longer than konica...
but i like konica silky paper...
any brand have silky paper?
i dun like glossy... it's sticky...

3rd party ink from what read do not last as long as original. I saw the CIS system going for about SGD 80. The ink refill at SGD 10 for a 100ml.

Totally lost confident on CIS. My Epson 1290 can only print bands of colour. Not sure it is due to CIS. Need to do more research before going ahead with CIS.

Original ink for me. Since I don't print that often.

Anyway, for 3rd party ink cartridges, their cartridges are not filled to the maximum. So after calculating the cost, it's almost similar to original ink!

sigh, looks like it's back to using originals. haha.

for me i figure to use compatables for my cheaper printer and original for my a3 printer.

Hi. Lemme share my experiences.

I'm not a Canon user. I use the Epson 1290 A3+ printer. Sucks up ink like nobody's business and it doesn't have individual colour ink-tanks. One colour out, must change the whole stupid cartridge (and they call it the "intelligent cartridge" - HA!).

So when I saw CIS (I*kstati*n) systems, thought they'd be a super way to save money. And the demo prints and promo brochures look quite good. So why not? But the reality is, they are more trouble than they're worth. The cartridge is not precision-made, could not fit properly so it cracked all the contact pins on my printhead!!! No need to imagine how troublesome it was to lug an A3+ printer by public transport from Woodlands to Commonwealth to get it fixed. And the cost!

Then when I finally did get it running, I was faced with constant head-clogging and air-bubbles in the system. I must have ran the clean-head process a billion times. And at best, it turned out a merely-acceptable print-out. Leave for 2 days, head clogs and air bubbles again. Apply shampoo, lather, rinse, repeat.

In the end (with my wife nagging "I told you so"), I ditched the system. For everyday normal, low-value prints, I'd use the better third party cartridges (PioneerTech not bad). But for critical work, it's nothing but originals for me. Damn expensive, but not much choice really.

Then again, some people seem to be very happy with their CIS systems. Even the same brand I used. Guess it's really a hit-or-miss affair. But if I may add in a final word, it would be: DON'T

(Hope this helps, somewhat.)

gomobile said:
I guess it's better safe than sorry.

Yup. Safe than sorry. At least the ONLY thing people complain about original is the price. People complain everything about compatibles. E.g. Quality, fade, clog, smudge, colour saturation.

synapseman said:
Hi. Lemme share my experiences.

I'm not a Canon user. I use the Epson 1290 A3+ printer. Sucks up ink like nobody's business and it doesn't have individual colour ink-tanks. One colour out, must change the whole stupid cartridge (and they call it the "intelligent cartridge" - HA!).

So when I saw CIS (I*kstati*n) systems, thought they'd be a super way to save money. And the demo prints and promo brochures look quite good. So why not? But the reality is, they are more trouble than they're worth. The cartridge is not precision-made, could not fit properly so it cracked all the contact pins on my printhead!!! No need to imagine how troublesome it was to lug an A3+ printer by public transport from Woodlands to Commonwealth to get it fixed. And the cost!

Then when I finally did get it running, I was faced with constant head-clogging and air-bubbles in the system. I must have ran the clean-head process a billion times. And at best, it turned out a merely-acceptable print-out. Leave for 2 days, head clogs and air bubbles again. Apply shampoo, lather, rinse, repeat.

In the end (with my wife nagging "I told you so"), I ditched the system. For everyday normal, low-value prints, I'd use the better third party cartridges (PioneerTech not bad). But for critical work, it's nothing but originals for me. Damn expensive, but not much choice really.

Then again, some people seem to be very happy with their CIS systems. Even the same brand I used. Guess it's really a hit-or-miss affair. But if I may add in a final word, it would be: DON'T

(Hope this helps, somewhat.)

Sounds like the same case as my Photo 720 (yes i still use this old printer with their CIS) :rolleyes: ... bought it due to my projects which i print in the past.. now that its left idle ... bubbles / back flow occur. Pretty sickening I might say.

But then again with the original ink catridges as well, one would still need to print once a week to get the system smooth running. Else clogging will still occur (which cannot be escaped) ... want to save yourself all these hassles - get a colour laser ... but then again ... the toners cost a bomb.

I've been eyeing the I9950 too .. and have seen it in action @ Canon Pro Shutter Bug events... the quality never ceases to amaze me - bottom line, use original ink for this baby ... I'd use it too if i can afford the printer (or its replacement due out soon i think...

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