Where can i find MOE Guidelines

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She has a group of friends and i agree with what you guys say about branding and about talking to the other teachers and she is currently doing that. the problem is really about the p or even the top management of the school trying to "bootlick" their way. Most of the time the thing the P suggest DO NOT aid in the efficiency of the system and DO NOT improve branding in any way. sorry i cant really specifically state what happened here but ya. When we are dealt with this kind of a situation, it sucks. But i will advice her on how to go about in a professional way, to only voice out those critical issues of course.

It is very tricky to complain about your boss in a school, or be it any govt organisation. The guys here who have served ns should know better about Chain of Command. Say you are not happy about ur BMT Sergeant, the most you can go to is your Platoon Commander, or @ most OC. Counselling Hotline is like last resort since what happens there is that figuratively you launch the arrow from a higher position, and it flies even higher before being directed downwards to your target. And if u more champion, complain to press...i nothing to say liaoz..

Lesson: Whistle-blowing could be harmful ;p

well whistle blowing can be harmful no doubt, but i believe ethics, values and what not is the utmost importance...justice and fairness! Well the system is indeed very flawed...i really hope the future leaders in teh educational field or any other field will consider about all these unjustice...

Welcome to the world of staff-room politics.

And yes, there IS a LOT of politics in school. People who snitch on you, spies, carry tales, steal credit, backstab. All have.

well whistle blowing can be harmful no doubt, but i believe ethics, values and what not is the utmost importance...justice and fairness! Well the system is indeed very flawed...i really hope the future leaders in teh educational field or any other field will consider about all these unjustice...

As much as this is your 'first hand' experience, all I can say is that for every 'injustice' that u can find, there'll be a positive thing that is happening at the same time. Let's not diminish the hard work and gr8 things many teachers and leaders are doing in the system.

U do have a valid point of course, and I concur with you that is really the way to go...

Take care and good luck :)

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