What's needed for Dive Photography?

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Feb 8, 2002
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Need some help here. Was saving up for a Nikonas - till i realised that it has been discontinued.

What alternative equipment is recommended? And what are the things to look out for when taking photos underwater?

thanks in advance!

Originally posted by rochkoh
Need some help here. Was saving up for a Nikonas - till i realised that it has been discontinued.

What alternative equipment is recommended? And what are the things to look out for when taking photos underwater?

thanks in advance!

You might want to take a look at those Ikelite (and similar) underwater housings for SLRs. Warning: Not cheap.


Need strong light sources too. Heard it cost between $300 - $2K.

yikes. this is beginning to sound like a system within a system.

i'm holding an F65 right now. But planning to upgrade to a F80S or a second hand F100 (or close).

Ikelite? hmm.. http://www.ikelite.com/


Are these available in Singapore?

And any one of ye done Underwater photography before?

although the nikonos is discountinued, they are still available, I've seen them in a few shops in Peninsula plaza.

or you can go for the Nikonos RS, there is one in Ron's Camera :p

hi rochkoh,

you might want to ask yourself whether you want a digital setup or a non-digital setup. If non-digital, whether Housed SLR or just amphibous & these depends on teh amount of moolahs you have, how into diving and photography you are....

& you are right, it is a system within a system; you gotta get strobes (S$500-S$2k), casing, maintainence kit, battery chargers, ports etc etc etc & put some money aside for repairs/new purchasers if your system floods...

I am planning to get a Housed SLR System for purely macro work (the pelagics are usually too fast for me...)
so far, it's a toss between EOS 300 with CX-603 Sea&Sea Housing or Nikon F80 with NX-80 Sea&Sea Housing ...
by far, the Nikon F80 setup is supposedly superior in performance but the cost (may a difference of S$2K at least) is having its deterrant effect on me...*SIGH* :what:

if you have the Nikon F65 (with the appropriate lens i assume) already, why not get the Sea&Sea Housing for it? Cost abt S$2950 (go to Sea&Sea shop at the Adelphi, look for Andrew)

might want to ask davidkh, he just got a CanonS40 with U/W casing and he is experienced with u/w photgraphy

ikelite in Singapore? there are a few shops selling them. go to www.asiandiver.com forum, there's a thread there abt where to get it..

have fun !
(post a few pcitures of whatever pics u have once u get ur setup)


i have this creeping feeling i noe u...do we have a mutual fren in one Gavin A. working at Concourse?


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