What to do when it rains....

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Mar 4, 2003
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Was at Malaysia recently, and when its raining, thought of trying this in the hotel toilet sink, coffee cup.

A550+SAL18250+nikon 6T+Sigma closeup filter, f22, 1/125s, two diffuse flash, supported on edge of sink. PS for colour.

#1: A drop

#2: Floating

#3: Worm hole...

#4: Letter "i"

#5: Sculpture

It's 3 :thumbsup: for all your droplet shots, where some are taken in a different view :).

Good shots! :) #2 & #3 nice :thumbsup: Who says photographers are boring? :flame: ;)

Nice, will try that out when if is rain.

#2 :thumbsup:
managed to catch the floating of water drop !! mo tak teng ah

Your droplet series always captivates me....esp those in your website

Your droplet series always captivates me....esp those in your website

Thanks! Think the shutter could have been faster here....some motion blur for some.

Nice shots. Can you PM on how to do achieve those pics? Thanks and happy X'mas.

Wow, nice! I remember attempting this exactly 1 year ago, and was totally noob at it. I'll have to give it another shot. :thumbsup:

Nice shots. Can you PM on how to do achieve those pics? Thanks and happy X'mas.

Well, can share here. Main issues to get right is the focus and light.

Focus on where the drop will land, and fix it...use MF. As the apeture would be small and shutter need to be fast, lighting must be sufficient. Hence I use 2 flashes. The colour can be changed by putting colours of choice at the back of the shot.

Let the drops come, and just shoot...and hope you capture something interesting.

Wow, nice! I remember attempting this exactly 1 year ago, and was totally noob at it. I'll have to give it another shot. :thumbsup:


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