What is a gd free program to encode DVD to Mpeg4 format?

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That means if I enable 2 pass encoding, my video will have much better pic quality? If I enable it, will the conversion time be also drastically slower. Last nite I convert 2 DVD, each one taking approximately 35mins, which is quite fast to me liao.

not sure about the details, but it removes pixelation in fast motion scenes. done by redistributing bitrate among fast scenes and slower scenes...i think ;p

Bro what is 2 pass encoding? What it means? Is it enabling it will give better pic quality?

Better picture quality (at least for my eyes) and of cos, during fast motion scenes, lesser visible pixellation.

Yes. Better video quality BUT at the cost of speed and space.

I'll opt for quality anyday (but regardless still lose out to watching it on DVD) when doing such conversions. Since I've got 2 DVD drives, I'll juz queue jobs, let it run, 2-pass encoding while I sleep.

I got Super too but I dun think it can convert DVD right? When I tried, it cant work leh.

haven't used SUPER to encode for DVD but i think it should be able to since there's an option for mpeg2.

Hi just want to check with u guys what is a gd free program I can download to convert DVD to Mpeg4 format? I m using HandBrake now, but it can't seems to work leh. When I tried to do the conversion, the process seems extremely slow. After 1 hr and its only 35% done, is conversion of DVD to other formats so slow one? If there is any other better programs (free), do recommend me. Thanks!:)

I just paid for the AVS Video Converter. Much faster than Handbrake. But no subtitle option though.

Thanks alot for the help guys!:D At least I understand this thingy better now.

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