What Film Cameras Do You Use?

Genie In A Lightbox

Senior Member
Aug 22, 2008
Post photos of your film camera!

I understand CS has a group of dedicated followers of film photography. But there is little discussion about film photography here. I hope that the film shooters in CS can come together to ignite interest in film among CS members despite the prevalence of digital photography today.

I hope this thread can encourage all the film shooters among CS community to come forward and show the various film cameras you all USE to take photos. It can be your SLR, rangefinders, point & shoot, medium format, large format, holgas, lomo cameras, TLRs, polaroids or pinhole regardless of brand, age and origin! As long as it is a film camera you use, share with us here! Hopefully, this can give CS members a chance to see the various choices we have.

Please note, this thread is not for you to showcase your shelf-queens or trophies of eBay. We want to see a camera that you use! :D

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Let me start the ball rolling!


Nikon F3HP + 50 f1.4 Ai-S

I'm interested in trying out film cameras too, used my friend's one and the large viewfinder is addictive :p. I saw quite a few cameras over at TCW but I haven't saved up enough yet. Anyone knows where I can develop my film with a cheap price?

See Singapore Camera Style, which features photos of photographers in Singapore with film cameras -


The site takes after the famous Tokyo Camera Style site.

Yes, rain-man. I am aware of that site but my thread is solely dedicated just for film cameras and I hope to keep this thread as it is. I think both can co-exist together. Thanks for sharing! :D

I'm interested in trying out film cameras too, used my friend's one and the large viewfinder is addictive :p. I saw quite a few cameras over at TCW but I haven't saved up enough yet. Anyone knows where I can develop my film with a cheap price?

Obviously, this is not the appropriate thread to ask this question. Please keep this thread clean. Thanks!

I am still actively using a few of my film cameras, including defunct models like the Canon A-1, 1V HS as well as Rangefinders like Fuji GA645W/ZI, Zeiss Ikon and Voigtlander's R4A. Sometimes I use happy snappy like the Contax T2 too! Mostly mindless snaps and family photos. Nothing to shout about.


I am still actively using a few of my film cameras, including defunct models like the Canon A-1, 1V HS as well as Rangefinders like Fuji GA645W/ZI, Zeiss Ikon and Voigtlander's R4A. Sometimes I use happy snappy like the Contax T2 too! Mostly mindless snaps and family photos. Nothing to shout about.


Post some pics, Benny! :lovegrin:

The nikon fm2 and mamiya m645! Analogue will always win.

film cameras are addictive..

cameras I currently own & shoot with:


*pls excuse the bad iphone picture..

The nikon fm2 and mamiya m645! Analogue will always win.

I cannot disagree with you on this thread, as this is not the talk of this thread.

Both digital and analogue will have their strengths and weaknesses.

Btw, I do own a couple of film cameras, shoot mainly slides.

Allow me to join the fray:)
Just that the lens has already been upgraded to f/2;p


im using a Nikon FE + 50mm f1.2


this cam is older than me haha.

long live film!

Got my Fujifilm Natura Classica White Edition camera last month. Yet to finish my first roll of film. Also have a Voigtlander Bessa R4M with Color Skopar 21/4.



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Post some pics, Benny! :lovegrin:

Nothing much really. Google and plently of reference photos for these common, cheapy gear even though some of them are obsolete. But prices have never been better as folks switch to digital.

Anyway, here's one of my favorite wide angle camera, Voigtlander Bessa R4A with the Color-Skopar 21mm f/4.

Voigtlander Bessa R4A + Color-Skopar 21mm f/4 by benny ng, on Flickr

And a few pictures shot with the exact combo using Kodak's Portra 160VC.

Now where's the sunset? by benny ng, on Flickr

Voigtlander Color-Skopar 21mm f/4 @ f/8.0 by benny ng, on Flickr

I do like using the Portra 160 VC as I find the colors to be quite pleasant and it's fairly fine grain.


Pentax mx and my 43mm :)

43mm is a bit long in digital. It has found a home in the mx.


Here is my collection of in use 35mm and medium format cameras.



Zenza Bronica ETRSi, Contax III, Leica IIIf red dial, Leica M3, Olympus OM10, OM1, OM1n, OM2sp, Olympus XA (x2) and Olympus Mju mkI, note this does not include my submin cameras!

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Sinar C
i'm starting to miss LF

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