What draws you to Micro 4/3s?

I do view large print at distance of 30cm or so cos I hang them in my house.. limitation of new hdb..

Then you shouldn't hang them in places like the hallway leading to rooms etc. Or bomb shelters.

That's no way to appreciate a large print.

1) Good handling for the size
2) Decent enough sensor (though not for landscapes for my tolerance levels, which is why I have a Fuji system.. And of course the 10-24 is great - I'm always wishing they did dials like on the EM-5 though)

I think my tolerance is very low haha. & the 10-24 is really really tempting...:bsmilie:

Nice ;)
And u also have lazy buggers like me who upgraded from PnS and simply refuse to carry a few kilograms around and went straight to MFT.

Hahaha same for me. The G2 was my first system camera and I didn't want to upgrade to a bigger DSLR after that. When I previously had to use a company-provided 7D for work I hated the extra weight even more, especially when I had to run from assignment to assignment. Only good thing about the gear I was provided was the 70-200.

I still get some weird looks from my photo subjects when I use my EM-1 for my editorial shoots, many people are still accustomed to the "professional = bigger camera" concept, but in the end the results speak for themselves.

The main reason... Because I am not getting any younger

Hahaha..~!.. Same here. Was trying to rekindle an old hobby during the film days. Last Interchangeable Lens Camera for me was a SLR (Without the prefix 'D') - Nikon 801s. I have gotten a series of compacts in between. However, no compact has yet to satisfy me in low-light conditions, esp when I was travelling. The EM-5 that I had changed all that, it captures decent low-light images without the weight of a DSLR, and a tripod.

becoz' the system is small, light weight, value for money esp resales, fast AF, lightest 600mm for 75-300mm and good results.

Light weight for me + availability of excellent primes. I'm not so young anymore to be hauling around Nikon-styled DSLRs and their lenses.

Size and Weight for me. Used to lug around a DSLR with a 24-70 and 70-200 zoom, nearly killed my back. :)

Nowadays, I carry around my M43 with 12-35 and 35-100 when I travel. Covers most of my needs and I take my camera out more often than before

The XT1 and A7 series are good cameras.. heck nowadays most cameras takes great pics under sufficient light anyway but if u really look into portability and lens choices, the m43 is really way ahead. A7 series native mount lens is rather limited. The zeiss optics may be great but so are the prices, and look at the sizes of those lenses.... the Fujinon lenses are great, widely acknowledge but still, sizes and price and AF speed needs to be considered. The m43 camp with superb, small, relatively cheap lenses and fast AF speed wins the day for me.

also, i can carry around in a small nice bag that doesn't scream 'CAMERA', like my Hadley small or my newly acquired Ona Bowery, which looks totally too cool to be a camera bag that i even use it when not carrying my em10 around...

ohh...just handled a friend's D800 a few weeks back...it was so heavy, i returned it after 10mins as my arms are getting sore...can't take good photos when your hand is shaking right...

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also, i can carry around in a small nice bag that doesn't scream 'CAMERA', like my Hadley small or my newly acquired Ona Bowery, which looks totally too cool to be a camera bag that i even use it when not carrying my camera around...

ohh...just handled a friend's D800 a few weeks back...it was so heavy, i returned it after 10mins as my arms are getting sore...

CamerA perform close to the standard DSLR. Cost less to setup as a hobby . I enjoy carry it around . As for my old flame I used it with 50mm lens. But my micro 43 I am increasing my collection

When I first get in touch with m4/3, it was the EPL1... that camera was my dad's, he wanted to re-take up photography after decades (since his old OM-10). In the end, I am the one using that camera most. It was not as heavy as my DSLR and make a good travel camera, although AF is seriously not that amazing. When EM-5 came along, my dad again jumped the opportunity to get one, because it looked abit like his old OM-10. Play with the camera for a while and leave it in the dry cabinet. So... yeah... that camera landed with me ;)

And since I loved Olympus lenses (the old OM lenses and still have the 50mm f1.8 with me), I began playing more... now my 7D is resting in the dry cabinet most of the time.

I have been using m4/3 since EP1 and have been with 4/3 since the E510. Right now the main draw of the m4/3 system is only this -----

The autofocus speed and accuracy.

IQ, colour rendition, size, weight, lenses etc are no longer significant because there are other mirrorless systems out there that can achieve these factors.

Also, I only shoot family, kids, and travel stuff so my requirements may not be as high as those who shoot other genres.


Or rather, cheapest in its class.

Any other system that can produce such level of image quality/ hardware quality would cost more. Granted m4/3 is not perfect, but when it does what it does best, it leaves the competition in the dust. Olympus is not called "Leica of the East" by Leica for nothing.

Then again, when I started on Olympus' E-System at the beginning, more than ten years ago, they were the cheapest for that high level of optics excellence. They still are. Tatsuno is really one of the most amazing optics factories on this planet.

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How is m4/3 compare to DSLR in terms of sports photography and capturing speed?


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Lightweight, small size n affordable prime lenses. Selling my dslr system now n using Fuji XT-1 with zoom. ALso using Olympus EPL5 with zoom n few prime lenses. (fuji prime lens are much more ex, hehe.)

My retrospective 5 can fit 1 body with grip, 4 lens, 1 flash, 1 mini tripod, cleaning kit, raynox 250,3 camera batts, 2 packs of AA battery, flash triggers,gaffer tape,raincoat,wet wipes, pen, army swiss knife,writing material,torchlight. ipad air and all cables.

I dont think DSLR able to do it and I dun feel heavy at all during overseas trip.

My retrospective 5 can fit 1 body with grip, 4 lens, 1 flash, 1 mini tripod, cleaning kit, raynox 250,3 camera batts, 2 packs of AA battery, flash triggers,gaffer tape,raincoat,wet wipes, pen, army swiss knife,writing material,torchlight. ipad air and all cables.

I dont think DSLR able to do it and I dun feel heavy at all during overseas trip.

wow such a small bag can squeeze in so much gear? impressive!