What do you mean fishing is not allowed here?

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002

lucky he didn't take the rod and chase after u for anyhow shooting him.. lol

nice one there. ;)

Originally posted by fish
lucky he didn't take the rod and chase after u for anyhow shooting him.. lol

When I saw him staring at me, I pretended to shift the aim of my camera to somewhere else slowly, make it look like I wasn't shooting him. But of course that was after I pressed the shutter. :) Thanks for your comments.

Good composition.

Good use of rule of thirds.

Originally posted by Tweek

When I saw him staring at me, I pretended to shift the aim of my camera to somewhere else slowly, make it look like I wasn't shooting him. But of course that was after I pressed the shutter.

Haha.... next time I'll try this trick too.

I've once spotted a sport bike parking at the road side and I set up my tripod and dc to shoot it. Then passerbys all stared at me and one even said: "Kena summon liao". They thought I worked for the traffic police :p

Thanks Daniel :) Actually I never really think about using the rule of the thirds, I always go according to my intuitions. That's why most of my shots have bad composition hehheh. But I like to experiment rather than follow rules. :)

Ziploc, haha that was real funny. Sometimes when I try to take panning shots or long exposure traffic shots, some motorists would stare at me or take a quick glimpse as they zoom past me. I bet they were thinking that I was from the traffic police, using the laser speed detector on them :D

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