-= What are you listening to now? =-

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Mezzotint said:
How's yr camera doing? Do you use it often? :)

Care to share yr experiences with Seagull 205 RF? :)

Seagull 205 RF is in good condition. Lens is clean.
Shockingly, when I got it, the RF window and the optical viewfinder was clinically clean....and that is after 30 to 40 years !! :)

I guess reason is when China made the camera, they did not stinge on good materials. So no coating separation, fungus on RF internal prism and viewfinder glass.

Compared to the Japanese RF cameras I bought, most need to get the RF viewfinder cleaned as they get mucky after decades.

This camera can take pictures. Aperture and shutter user controllable.
Shutter speed a bit limited.
I like it especially when China is now experiencing a super boom.
A bit of history.

Oh, and it takes 45mm filters. Which I have. Plus original Shanghai lenscap cover.

I am going back to Guns N roses , U2 and bob dylan.

Garion said:
Hey no problem lar. I also hate "Crazy Frog" style songs...really gets on your nerves and whoever invented this Crazy Frog thing should be hung by their toes from the celing and flogged. :angry: I also dislike cheesy Euro technodance commonly played by those Ah Bengs in their flashy cars. :sticktong

I like listening to a wide genre of music too, whatever fits my mood. I mostly listen to quality dance music (trance, progressive, house) sometimes chillout/ambient (agree that Cafe del Mar series is great). I also like jazzy female vocals (no particular favourites), and a dose of New Age/instrumental from time to time (Enya, Chris Spheeris etc). I don't really like most of the mainstream stuff they play on radios nowadays, really too commercialized.
:bsmilie: we have the same dislikes then!

skinnylatte said:
I love Morrissey. I shoot with a Yashica Electro 35 GS and a Canonet QL17. I'm very ah pek like that, even though I'm just 20.

But I also love The New Pornographers and shoot with a Canon 350D..

Hrm, ah pek music for ah pek cameras when i'm feeling ah pek. :)

i missed my Canonet QL17 GIII T_T

i also missed my minolta hi-matic F , LC-A, olympus XA2 T_T

oh, Morrissey and The Smiths isn't too bad either

Garion said:
Hey no problem lar. I also hate "Crazy Frog" style songs...really gets on your nerves and whoever invented this Crazy Frog thing should be hung by their toes from the celing and flogged. :angry: I also dislike cheesy Euro technodance commonly played by those Ah Bengs in their flashy cars. :sticktong

I like listening to a wide genre of music too, whatever fits my mood. I mostly listen to quality dance music (trance, progressive, house) sometimes chillout/ambient (agree that Cafe del Mar series is great). I also like jazzy female vocals (no particular favourites), and a dose of New Age/instrumental from time to time (Enya, Chris Spheeris etc). I don't really like most of the mainstream stuff they play on radios nowadays, really too commercialized.

ya...whoever created Crazy Frog should be thrown into a pond full of croaking frogs!

euro dance ah :embrass: i composed one before leh..

simplicity_ said:
:bsmilie: we have the same dislikes then!

"uhm-zhi uhm-zhi"

most original quote i've come across this week :bsmilie:

4 me its anime soundtracks! :lovegrin:

:vhappy: :vhappy:

Stereobox said:

"uhm-zhi uhm-zhi"

most original quote i've come across this week :bsmilie:
hahaha.. really ah? its a term me and my friends use to describe ah-beng techno. listen closely and you hear "um-zhi um-zhi" being repeated throughout.. or at least it sounds like that to me lah :p

simplicity_ said:
hahaha.. really ah? its a term me and my friends use to describe ah-beng techno. listen closely and you hear "um-zhi um-zhi" being repeated throughout.. or at least it sounds like that to me lah :p

haha actually true la.. it's been ard with my friends for a long time, but that was the first time i actually see it being spelt out :bsmilie:

Currently at this moment, I am listening to Vargo's The Moment from Cafe Del Mar's compilations.

Cafe Del Mar's compilations are quite identical to Lush 99.5FM, which is what I like.

one tires of Lush easily

:dunno: i guess that's just me

Chillin to the sounds of Cafe Del Mar Volumen Seis at the moment.
Love the whole Cafe Del Mar series.

what is this Cafe Del Mar thingy everyone is talking about :think: i must be missing out on something :sweat:

Take That. :thumbsup:

Stereobox said:
what is this Cafe Del Mar thingy everyone is talking about :think: i must be missing out on something :sweat:

Hee. Its just some easy listening / lounge music kinda of genre. Have been an ardent fan ever since my friend reccomended the CD. So started to buy the compilation. U can check them out at sembawang music. Cheers. ;)

Changing disc now to Engima. LSD = LoveSensualityDevotion

Stereobox said:
are they really.. 'back for good' ? :bsmilie:

haha. too bad Love Ain't Here Anymore. :bsmilie:

Little_Fish said:
Hee. Its just some easy listening / lounge music kinda of genre. Have been an ardent fan ever since my friend reccomended the CD. So started to buy the compilation. U can check them out at sembawang music. Cheers. ;)

Changing disc now to Engima. LSD = LoveSensualityDevotion

when people mention easy listening/lounge music ... i always think of those 'space-age bachelor pad', 'tiki-bar' music, sergio mendes & brasil '66 etc :bsmilie:

now i guess it means more like down-tempo, chillout music~

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