what are these called? where can i convert them to digital?


New Member
Dec 8, 2011


Wow, now I really feel the generation gap when someone holds up the developed negatives I used to use for slideshow projections and asks "What are these called?"

lol...my era negatives look like this


Wow, now I really feel the generation gap when someone holds up the developed negatives I used to use for slideshow projections and asks "What are these called?"

Shows how old you are, thambi :bsmilie:

This are the positive film slides, not from negative. Just wonder if film scanner can handle them. :)

some flatbed scanner comes with adapter to put your slides in. there are also dedicated slides scanner, which are much more expensive. but it's rather hard to find them anymore...maybe second hand market.. i remembered i bought a Minolta slides scanner 10 years ago, was about $2000.

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thanks all

does any shop in funan convert them?

thanks for the lead

alternatively, put them on a lighbox / lighted lamp, set up a tripod with macro lens and DSLR with the correct white-balance, shoot the slides and convert them to digital yourself!

Peninsular Shopping Centre, Ruby Foto still does scanning of negatives most likely positives.

You can also try Triple D at Burlington Square.

A 3rd option, though I am not sure if they offer that service, is Fotohub. They have a few outlets around places like Tampines 1 (basement), Raffles City etc.

This are the positive film slides, not from negative. Just wonder if film scanner can handle them. :)

You can easily buy a scanner and scan them yourselves. Quality will be better than taking macro shots of your slides.

Something like this one: http://www.canon.com.sg/personal/pr...anners/canoscan-9000f-mark-ii?languageCode=EN

It is call 35mm slide, when transparancy film, aka positive film is mounted with slide mount, is call slide.

Photography 101 again, Revision 0.

FYI, Fotohub does offer the service. Last price list I downloaded says about $1.20 - 2 per slide (4-base or 16-base). No mention of a diff if they are mounted.

I used to have an Epson V500, mid-range scanner with transparency adapter. It did fairly well, but the quality was not up to scratch for big prints IMHO, at least not for 35mm. It was okay with 120 film.

There's http://studio.digilis.net/ -- I have never tried them myself, but did get a quote for print scanning recently. CHEAP, esp for large quantities. You might want to try. As I said, I have not used them, so I can't really tell you about results. Google and you should find a few more.

Scan it yourself with flat bed scanner. Easier to do than boiling an egg.

iirc digital rev's kai had a video on utube on how to "scan" slides

thanks bro, Ruby Photo does convert them to digital at $1.50 per piece
