what am i?

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:bigeyes::bigeyes: *faints*

crystal1993 said:
Mickey mouse?
One of those rides at shopping centers?

Sgdevilzz said:
An eye of a plush toy?

Crystal1993 nearly got it with the first try! The correct answer is...a plush toy! Not Mickey, but Pluto to be precise, heh. Over to you Sgdevilzz!



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esoeij said:
Crystal1993 nearly got it with the first try! The correct answer is...a plush toy! Not Mickey, but Pluto to be precise, heh. Over to you Sgdevilzz!


cyc1op said:
Now I understand your clue.

:bsmilie: i thought the question mark is just a question mark and not it will look like a question mark.

cyc1op said:
Now I understand your clue.

crystal1993 said:
:bsmilie: i thought the question mark is just a question mark and not it will look like a question mark.


Crystal1993 nearly got it with the first try! The correct answer is...a plush toy! Not Mickey....................................
But there's a vast difference between a mouse & a dog............................:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

madmartian said:
But there's a vast difference between a mouse & a dog............................:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

But the dog is the mouse's pet! LOL!

Since this thread has a lot of posts, for the benefit of sgdevilzz n future winners, the person who guesses correctly is supposed to post the next photo/puzzle!

Awww man... Haha. I dont have my camera with me now so bear with the quality :) taken with iPhone


The base of a mouse?

:thumbsup: :bsmilie:

My guess: A base of a figurine? The underside of a watch? Battery compartment of a speaker? Battery compartment of a remote? Battery compartment of a toy?

You're using the spaghetti style of guessing - throw them on the wall, see what'll stick. But you might have gotten it right with battery compartment (I think the O & C meant Open & Close positions)

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