Welcome to Taiwan!

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Senior Member
Nov 27, 2005
Sharing some photos from Taiwan
Very lucky to have a friend there to bring us around to places we would have never gone

Taiwan Train system

Shilin night market

Packed with bikes

Camera street


Danshui,must go place in Taiwan

From Danshui,you can get to Fisherman's Wharf

Its a 3hr train ride to Hualian

where you can get to here,

to see the yinyang river.2 rivers,different colour

This place has a story,of how the frog became the prince

of course,cant miss out 101
The mother of all skyscrapers

Sing the National Anthem

Top of the world


Yangmingshan to the world,Yaomingshan to me

up the hill

To drink tea

How much longer!!

Take a break,take a group photo

Its lonely at the top

nice pics you got too!
Where's the place with all the flowers?

nice pics you got too!
Where's the place with all the flowers?

Its at Taichung, only blooming twice in the year.
We took a cab up and down, cost us NT$1400..
Good that we go by ourselves, avoid the morning crowd, tour bus and jam when we will going back down the hill.

The people esp from sales are quite nice, greeting and peddling their goods.
Almost comparable with Jap style..

Great! Contemplating to go there, and this certainly whet my appetite!

Thanks for sharing!

Great! Contemplating to go there, and this certainly whet my appetite!

Thanks for sharing!

yea you should go take a walk there
The people are very friendly there
you can just ask around to find your way to the more obscure places:)

seems tht you really enjoyed the trip. nice photos. Did u buy any gears frm there?

swee lah :thumbsup: I always enjoy seeing travelling shots.

Hows the pricing like in Taiwan, are the camera / lens cheaper over there?

it isn't any more. tallest will be this one in dunai > http://www.burjdubaiskyscraper.com/

i like the first 3, the colors are very "news" like.

Thx etegration!:)
tauhu & lkkang
you prob wont believe it but we were just staying opposite and we never got a chance to go into any of the shops.We were always out before they opened and when we came back they were closed already
And we kept telling ourselves muz go take a look before we leave:confused:

Makes me wanna go there again.

me?cannot la:embrass:

potential tfcd:D
Frens we got to know in taiwan

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