website on weather info...

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Senior Member
I know I can check the weather of any location in the world for the next few days, at yahoo weather.

If anyone knows of a website where I can check weather patterns for the last few years, appreciate if you can post here please.

Thanks a lot.

Go to and search for "weather forecast"

Meteorology Singapore also works best.

There is an NEA site. Which is like, meteorological services of Singapore.

Thanks guys. Sorry, I think I didn't phrase my question properly.

I don't want to see weather forecast. I want weather history for a certain place.

For example, I want to know how the weather in (let's say) Tokyo has been over the last 5 years - month by month.

I did a google search for the words - weather history, weather patterns etc. but whatever info I've got is for USA only. I am looking for similar info for some of the Asian cities.

try using more localised search engines like or

let's see what i get
EDIT: closest match was this

thanks bro. i'll keep searching. i was hoping that the respective environment agencies of each country would at least keep this kind of data. probably they do, but its not open to public. not sure. if i find something interesting, i will come back and update this thread.


I know I can check the weather of any location in the world for the next few days, at yahoo weather.

If anyone knows of a website where I can check weather patterns for the last few years, appreciate if you can post here please.

Thanks a lot.

Have you tried -

I find it rather comprehensive.:thumbsup:

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