~Virgin Wedding Shoot~

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New Member
Dec 28, 2006
Last Sunday I did my very first wedding shoot..
Was nervous as hell coz it's the first time I'm shooting a wedding..
It was for a good friend.. Wouldn't want to spoil his big day..
And to make it even more nerve-wrecking..
I was the only photographer..:what:

At the end of the day, felt as if I had a full body workout..
Made me fully+trully appreciate the hard work AD photogs have to put into their work..:thumbsup:

Quite an interesting day for me as it was a B'day + Wedding day for the groom..;)

Here are some of the images.. C&C are most welcome!
Hope the pros here can give some pointers + guidance.












































Ok.. that's all for the moment..
Apologies for posting so many photos..
Hope to receive C&C so that I could improve.
Wouldn't mind shooting another wedding as it was a really fantastic experience..;)

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Nice effort and collection for your first time. Careful of your composition. SHould be wary of your surroundings.
PIc 07. I dont think that person at the back should be there.
PIc 09 look athe the top part of your picture.. The bed frame is slanted. You might want to adjust that.
PIc 12. Your metering and balancing is totally out.. Couples are totally underexposed.
Pic 15. I think you could have centred the couple in the frame and remove that top ceiling at least 1/3.
PIc 01 : look atback the picture.. should have balance it straight.

And From my opinion... Your white balance is can be improved. Look at your indoor shots.. and look at the main person real skin tone.. I really think you agree that their skin tone is totally out.

Sorry for the many critics... But nevertheless.. It is a good and great effort and i admire your courage to take the role to be the main photographer.

Thanks Emiah for taking time to look at and comment on the photos.
Will definitely be more careful of my composition in future..;)

Indeed WB was way off..:embrass:
which will be more suitable to perfect WB?
i) Using a grey card to adjust WB on-site
ii) Shooting RAW and adjusting WB during PP


good effort for a first time. in general cropping a bit too tight for my liking. also take note some distortions on wide angles. Pic 12: Shooting with backlight; since you have ample time, you should +EV if you on Aperture priority or switch to manual mode.

good effort for a first time. in general cropping a bit too tight for my liking. also take note some distortions on wide angles. Pic 12: Shooting with backlight; since you have ample time, you should +EV if you on Aperture priority or switch to manual mode.

Thanks bro Nemo.. my bad on pic 12.. actually set manual mode, metered and planned to capture bride's silhouette with long gown.. but then the make up was completed last minute and the couple had to rush out for 'tea-ceremony'.. didn't have enough time to pose them so dialed back to AV +1stop EV (IIRC).. but I think cam was on evaluative metering mode so didn't expose the couple properly (back-lighting too strong I guess).

I'll try to lift the shadow area tonight and see if it helps (hopefully not too much noise)..:cry:


Thanks Emiah for taking time to look at and comment on the photos.
Will definitely be more careful of my composition in future..;)

Indeed WB was way off..:embrass:
which will be more suitable to perfect WB?
i) Using a grey card to adjust WB on-site
ii) Shooting RAW and adjusting WB during PP


Most photographers like to shoot on Raw... BUt i would prefer to set my WB with a gray card instead.Though Shooting raw can assist you in your PP.. but you wont be learning the right WB the proper way straight from the camera. :)

i would usually set the WB on location AND shoot in RAW..this will ensure that most shots are of the same and correct WB thus making ur post processing a lot easier..

Most photographers like to shoot on Raw... BUt i would prefer to set my WB with a gray card instead.Though Shooting raw can assist you in your PP.. but you wont be learning the right WB the proper way straight from the camera. :)

i would usually set the WB on location AND shoot in RAW..this will ensure that most shots are of the same and correct WB thus making ur post processing a lot easier..

Thanks for the tips bros.. Will look into setting WB on location next time (if there is a next time..:embrass:)
By the way, after setting WB on camera.. will there be difference when shooting with and without flash?

My shots were a mixture of bounce flash and no flash.


Nice collections for your 1st time but do take note of distracting subjects in your frame.

Well, never depends on RAW although it can save you at the end of the day. Get your settings spot-on as you do not know when it comes a time when the couple or their relatives/friends may ask to see your shots from your LCD.

Keep shooting... :)

Thanks for the tips bros.. Will look into setting WB on location next time (if there is a next time..:embrass:)
By the way, after setting WB on camera.. will there be difference when shooting with and without flash?

My shots were a mixture of bounce flash and no flash.


Flash can never be accurate . Bcos flash will generally overwrite any natural colour especially indoors... But flash control is very much important in such situation.. Compensate you flash accordingly to suit the situation you are in. Trial and error..

Thanks bro RyanG, bro Emiah.. Will read up more on WB setting and Flash control + compensation.. did a search and seems quite complicated.. will definitely read it up and improve in that area..;)

i like the ring shot
whats the ethnicity of the groom?

Thanks bro.. He has nice features doesn't he.. He's Indian Chinese..:)


pretty shots, imho the photos are abit too formal for a wedding kind

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