Vespa @Blair

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New Member
Mar 9, 2006
...on a little red dot.
Went walk about @ historical district of Blair and chanced upon this vespa.
C& C appreciated. Thanks;)


can go nearer to the bike and lower, and used as wide an angle.

Moderator's note:

Thread moved from Land/Cityscape & Travel to a more appropriate photo gallery.

take zoossh's advice.
else it is only a plain snapshot.
no focus. no DOF control. not sharp.

Appreciate the comments.

Willl try lower, nearer and wider next time. Cheers!

About the sharpness ... I had to reduce original to file size of less than 100k.
I compared the original against what I posted above.
There appears to be loss of sharpness cos' of that.
BTW, I used compupic to resize & edit.

Any idea how I can maintain sharper pictures next time I post?

Appreciate the comments.

Willl try lower, nearer and wider next time. Cheers!

About the sharpness ... I had to reduce original to file size of less than 100k.
I compared the original against what I posted above.
There appears to be loss of sharpness cos' of that.
BTW, I used compupic to resize & edit.

Any idea how I can maintain sharper pictures next time I post?
you need to sharpen it a little after downsize.

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