Users Guide to Posting Images in ClubSNAP Forums

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ClubSNAP Admin
Staff member
With the new ClubSNAP Photography Galleries, members now have the option to host their images over at the Gallery and then hotlink them to threads/posts in the Forums. This guide is meant as a quick tutorial to those who may not be conversant with how the process works.

Firstly, login at the Gallery - - using your existing ClubSNAP Forum userid and password. After logging in, you will see the following option on the menubar - Upload Photos


Clicking on Upload Photos will bring you to the next screen, which allows you to upload 10 images at a time into a specified category. Categories are selected using the drop down menu.


Click on the Choose File buttons to open a file dialog box and select file(s) from your computer to upload. Then click on Upload/Submit to send the images to the Gallery server for processing.

Important Tips
1. Image files are limited to 400KB in size and no larger than 1500x1500 pixels.
2. The Gallery software will automatically generate a medium sized image if the image exceeds 650 pixels horizontally or vertically. To prevent auto-resize, make sure your images are LESS than 750 pixels on the longest side.

Updated 15 June 2011

After the Gallery server/software has received the image, you will see the following page :-


You can enter the Image Title, a short description and some keywords at this stage. You can also select to place the image into a different category by selecting from the Category drop-down menu.

Once satisfied that you have entered the information correctly, select Process Files to complete the upload.

You can now view your image(s) by clicking on the My Photos link on the top left of the menubar which will bring you to :-


Clicking on the image in your Gallery will bring up a larger image (if auto-resize was done, the MEDIUM sized image will be shown) as follows :-


If your image was bigger than 750pixels at its longest side, it will have been resized and you will be viewing the MEDIUM image. To view the image in its original uploaded size, click on the image to bring up an overlay window.

Final steps.

Click on the highlighted icon to bring up additional settings. Depending on the size of the image, you will see different options.


Copy the Link/Image location from the appropriate box (it will look like http: //

Over in the Forum, you can now insert (hotlink) the image into your post/thread by:
a) clicking on the Insert Image icon (for additional instructions, see posts below) and pasting the URL copied earlier into the box; or
b) typing

Like so -


Note: Some images may have a Forum-friendly setting where the [ IMG ]...[ /IMG ] tags are already in place - just copy the entire line and paste into your forum post.

Have fun sharing your images!

Note to all those who post pics here, please try to resize/crop your pic to the following recommended dimensions (recommended cos we can't force you, but just hope that you will be kind enough to do so)

The dimensions has been reached after weeks of painstaking research and polling among the users to determine the most common and average screen size which turns out to be 1024x768 pixels. Therefore, the recommended image size will allow your picture to be displayed in its entire glory, without having to scroll sideways or up/down. If you have a larger screen size, grin to yourself and say "I am a lucky devil". If you have a smaller screen size, well, isn't time to upgrade??

Also, try to save your JPEG images at medium to high compression factors (experiment to see what level will produce the smallest size without too many artifacts) and keep the size to between 50-80KB.

Without further ado - the recommended image size is NO LARGER THAN 1000 pixels wide/tall. Any image larger than 1000 pixels on its largest side will be resized automatically for display.

As a guideline only - you can make your pics smaller or slightly bigger (max width is about 1000 pixels to fit comfortably without having to scroll sideways).

Update on new editing interface and how to link in images.

Click on the icon highlighted to bring up the Advanced Image Editor dialog box:-

1. Click on the tab From URL
2. Enter the full URL (eg. http://
3. Make sure the checkbox is NOT ticked.
4. Click OK


There is a shorter/quicker way to insert images and that is to use the IMAGE BBCODE. Enter your URL between the IMAGE BBCODE as follows:-

[_IMG]]http: //[_/IMG] (omit the _ character in actual use)

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