Ubin Hunting (with yr camera of cos!)

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Ashleyy said:
Sure, juz call me when you reached there. ;p

I am staying at Changi Village hotel on April 30th.
After work on Saturday going down with my bro, he got the following offer.
Have not decide with going down on April 30th or May 1st to Ubin.

Anyone keen to book the hotel stay can contact me, I'll see what my bro can do.

Labour Day Weekend*Getaway*@ Changi Village Hotel for
Only $78+++
(inclusive of*breakfast for 2)

bwilly said:
I am staying at Changi Village hotel on April 30th.
After work on Saturday going down with my bro, he got the following offer.
Have not decide with going down on April 30th or May 1st to Ubin.

Anyone keen to book the hotel stay can contact me, I'll see what my bro can do.

Labour Day Weekend*Getaway*@ Changi Village Hotel for
Only $78+++
(inclusive of*breakfast for 2)
Great idea! Got models? If have I book and shoot.. :lovegrin:

Ashleyy said:
Great idea! Got models? If have I book and shoot.. :lovegrin:

wah... ashleyy... :sticktong
for 2 only le... so its just u and the model.... :devil:

naughty naughty :bsmilie:

~Arcanic~ said:
wah... ashleyy... :sticktong
for 2 only le... so its just u and the model.... :devil:

naughty naughty :bsmilie:

2 only meh? Y cannot have more models? I dun mind 2 or 3 models leh! :sticktong

Ashleyy said:
2 only meh? Y cannot have more models? I dun mind 2 or 3 models leh! :sticktong

Don't worry bro,

You can stay in the hotel to shoot model till next morning. DF can help you to test drive your car since you are not using it for that night ;p

DarkForce said:
Don't worry bro,

You can stay in the hotel to shoot model till next morning. DF can help you to test drive your car since you are not using it for that night ;p

Sure! If you bring me 3 nice models to shoot the whole nite.. if not... hahah.. u can forget it! :sticktong

Ashleyy said:
Sure! If you bring me 3 nice models to shoot the whole nite.. if not... hahah.. u can forget it! :sticktong


I go get three male models for you. They will be super friendly , super nice and super hot esp to you loh ;p

Happy shooting ;p

:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

u da man! man! LOL


By the way, are we having lunch at Changi Village together or we eat our own first then meet there ?

lunch..? more like breakfast cum lunch ba... hehe

DarkForce said:

By the way, are we having lunch at Changi Village together or we eat our own first then meet there ?

We will meet there for a light lunch.. I dun think anyone wants to walk under the noon sun rite? haha.... ;p

Meet at 11am for lunch, leave ard 11.45. Reach Ubin at 12pm. We can start will some shots at the village by the jetty there for some warm up. At least there got drinks for sale and some shade here and there.

Then we can move on arount 1pm onwards ard the island. :lovegrin:

Hi People, is there anyway in Ubin in particular you want to see? The last time I brought photographers over, we went to Jetty Village, Secret Garden, Highest Point, Malay Village & Chek Jawa. But this is a very long walk, I think most of them got too tired.

I suggest the jetty village, secret garden, Highest Point and mabbe Noordin Beach? Still a long walk, but shldn't be as long as the last one. ;p

Please comment. Thanks.

i dun mind anywhere actually... i only been to ubin a couple of times... :sweat:

Oh ya! I almost forgot. Can those who are going to Ubin please pm me your contacts?

Also please bring some water along for the trip as it will be very hot.
Preferably, please bring at least 1 litre. Will also be cooler to come in
T-shirts and shorts/bermudas rather than jeans. Sandals or shoes are
fine. Dun come in slippers... ;p

will u be bringing insect repellent? or we bring our own?

are you guys driving?

Where do you all park? I last parked near the hawker stall, where they charged via the hour.

can't remember if I put coupon..
haha..!! been ages since I last went there.

Let me check with my bro if he can get complimentary carpark tixs.

It will be SGD 3 per entry at Le Meridien Changi Village on weekends.
You guys/ gals can try there as well.

Btw how long is the walk?

Nisa said:
It will be SGD 3 per entry at Le Meridien Changi Village on weekends.
You guys/ gals can try there as well.

Btw how long is the walk?

Not very long... just a few kilometers?? Let's say if you walk from Jetty non-stop one round and come back, around 2-3 hours? ;p

U coming? Good exercise for u. :devil:

a FEW kilometers????????
:sweat: gosh... better start training up my thigh muscle now...
and my shoulder too....

:think: should i bring mossie repellent... last time i went... wa kaoz... mossie frenzy sia...

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