travel to Ho Chi Minh - which lens?

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New Member
Jul 15, 2006
I've only got 2 lens... 1) 50mm F1.8 and 2) canon kit lens 18-55mm. I am using Canon EOS350D. I only want to bring 1 lens .. which will be a better choice? Should be 18-55mm, right? but my concern is that in low light condition, the kit lens aren't able to give the same sharpness as the 50mm F1.8. I do not have an external flash.

18-55mm or 50mm?
experts, please advice. thanks!

i think better bring both , 50mm and the kit lens is small so it will not occupy that much space just to be safe ,if you really want to stick with 1 lens for me ill bring the 50 mm.

Agree with you..... 18-55mm f3.5 - since you have no other choice. :(

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