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Hihi! I'm interested in making short films myself. May I know when will it be on screen? :)

late feb :)
nice to meet like minded people!

if possible, i would like to discuss more about filmmaking with you!

Erm.. hi guys jus came into the forum a few days ago.. i also interested in making short film
if u guys got any short film tell miie!

Yeap, check this out SunnieBoy!


Trailer for my upcoming film - The Irony.

Comments please, so that I can learn and improvise :D

I guess my opinions are similar to the last person who commented in Facebook before you.

In that I don't get what the film is all about through your trailer. In what sense do the scenes tie up to the title of the film that is 'The Irony'?

Why was the girl sobbing in the scene with the oldish-looking man? Is he her father trying to console her? Or is he her step-father about to force her to do something shameful? Cos he does look the baddie kind.

And does the sephia treatment to certain scenes meant to convey that they occured in the past?

I honestly don't really get it.


your trailer doesn't have much impact as the wrong things are put together.. But nice effort =)

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