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Skye Tan

New Member
Sep 14, 2005
Photographed by SKYE

Hi there...just finished working on my test shoot. hope you guys like em...






Very nice series. I especially like the b&W shots and the colour ones without the blue thing... Very 'masculine' lighting.

Wah Wah... You want people to nosebleed ah? Hahaha.. Very sexy. But this model not as good looking as your previous ones leh. If not I'll hv blood all over my keyboard now :p

precious.jas said:
Wah Wah... You want people to nosebleed ah? Hahaha.. Very sexy. But this model not as good looking as your previous ones leh. If not I'll hv blood all over my keyboard now :p

hmm.. nosebleed?? lucky you are not at my shoot. or else sure stain my entire white wooden floor :bsmilie:

cyber_m0nkey said:
Very nice series. I especially like the b&W shots and the colour ones without the blue thing... Very 'masculine' lighting.

thanks... it's just simple lightings with styling. always do wonders for me.

Skye Tan said:
hmm.. nosebleed?? lucky you are not at my shoot. or else sure stain my entire white wooden floor :bsmilie:
Cant you get me a pail?? Hahhaa....
Next time hor, ask me along lah.. I can help u do styling! Hahaha ;p

wahh... :lovegrin: i like #3, #7 and the b&w shots.. :thumbsup:

precious.jas said:
Cant you get me a pail?? Hahhaa....
Next time hor, ask me along lah.. I can help u do styling! Hahaha ;p

i think I'll call the blood bank to send rep to help collect your blood instead. At least it's put to good use....

razor said:
this may be the rare post that more ladies CSers are responding than guys.....

now we know the best way to get the women photographers to love our photography (and in return hopefully us)...

shoot more male models.

how ironic :bsmilie:

Skyetan: I find your images to be aesthetically good and your lighting etc. to be for the most part spot on, but I feel your greatest weakness is posing your models. All of them, with the exception of #7, seem to have very akwardly posed models who are finding themselves in positions that they find to be very unnatural in, and the worst part is they probably dont know what your conveying, and neither do you. Find out what emotions you want to put into the viewer, then think about it hard, discuss this with the model so he knows exactly what to do.

dslang said:
I feel your greatest weakness is posing your models. All of them, with the exception of #7, seem to have very akwardly posed models who are finding themselves in positions that they find to be very unnatural in, and the worst part is they probably dont know what your conveying, and neither do you. Find out what emotions you want to put into the viewer, then think about it hard, discuss this with the model so he knows exactly what to do.

My intention is not about being natural. My shots are static, posed, and often a manipulation of truth. I'm not into making natural shots in my personal works. But a reflection of a an obsession with beauty and connection with my subjects. The emotions is the real thing, the rest is fake.

my goodness... did you say test shots??:bigeyes: i cant even get these shots in my planned shoots... ;p :thumbsup: great 'test shots'

littledigitalartist said:
my goodness... did you say test shots??:bigeyes: i cant even get these shots in my planned shoots... ;p :thumbsup: great 'test shots'

thanks.. it's really flattering to know u like the pictures. Well i guess everything comes with practice. And these shots were a result of a laborious process of learning along the way over the years. For these test shots, I didn't even have a clue what I was to shoot until the model arrived at my studio. I like being spontaneous and still very much in the process of learning still.

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