To all digital camera users: Do you CHIMP? :)

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oops... I never managed to imbue my eyes with EV lightmeter leh... where to get?

while (!

LCD can reduce the bad shots u bring home mah... then can boast 80% hit rate... ;p

Originally posted by Red Dawn

no chimping refers to the process of ALWAYS referring to the LCD after every shot.

i'm not saying one shouldn't review shots (since as u say that's one of the advantages.)

the term was coined by pple who see digital photographers using the LCD as a means to adjust settings and such without learning the proper rules of exposure or understanding the principles of flash exposure. in other words, taking photos by trial and error (as a chimpanze would do - see the connection now? ;))

maybe more specifically : "the term was coined by [diehard] FILM CAMERA pple who see digital...." ?

and why am i not surprised they would coin such a term for digicam users ;)

Originally posted by hans

maybe more specifically : "the term was coined by [diehard] FILM CAMERA pple who see digital...." ?

and why am i not surprised they would coin such a term for digicam users ;)

haha u may be right. i have never encountered the term in, only on the various film and film camera forums :devil:

but then again, i saw a press photographer doing just that the other day (at a open air concert) and it seems obvious he's a little puzzled by the light :p i guess digital photography might be making monkeys out of us? :D

Originally posted by Red Dawn

besides being chimps, whimps, all of you :rbounce:

we all know REAL programmers write in assembly, on a REAL Unix based OS lke FreeBSD :devil:

section .text
global _start ;must be declared for linker (ld)

msg db "Hello, world!",0xa ;our dear string
len equ $ - msg ;length of our dear string

int 0x80 ;system call

_start: ;tell linker entry point

push dword len ;message length
push dword msg ;message to write
push dword 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,0x4 ;system call number (sys_write)
call _syscall ;call kernel

;actually there's an alternate
;way to call kernel:
; push eax
;call 7:0

add esp,12 ;clean stack (3 arguments * 4)

push dword 0 ;exit code
mov eax,0x1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
call _syscall ;call kernel

;we do not return from sys_exit,
;there's no need to clean stack


do you guys write ASM most of the time that you can remember the syntax? ;p

Originally posted by afiend


do you guys write ASM most of the time that you can remember the syntax? ;p

actually, the only time i write ASM was in NUS when i took a module on that :D

the code was cut and pasted....haha :cool:

Originally posted by Red Dawn

"Chimping" is a term being used to describe folks using digital cameras who take shot- and look at it on the display, take a shot-and look at it on the display; take a shot- and look at it on the display..... Because that's precisely the way a chimp would use a digital camera.... :D

So, do you CHIMP? :rbounce:

haizz... too bad i can't really depend totally on my LCD...cos..when i took a pic of a subject... i review it on my LCD..its good. But when i went home and uploaded the pix into my pc...on my screen it turned out blur and OOF... ... really find it stupid having a LCD sometimes...:(

Originally posted by kindred

haizz... too bad i can't really depend totally on my LCD...cos..when i took a pic of a subject... i review it on my LCD..its good. But when i went home and uploaded the pix into my pc...on my screen it turned out blur and OOF... ... really find it stupid having a LCD sometimes...:(

When critically reviewing shots on LCD, always use the magnifier to zoom in to critical portions; use the histogram to judge exposure.


Originally posted by Red Dawn

no chimping refers to the process of ALWAYS referring to the LCD after every shot.

i'm not saying one shouldn't review shots (since as u say that's one of the advantages.)

the term was coined by pple who see digital photographers using the LCD as a means to adjust settings and such without learning the proper rules of exposure or understanding the principles of flash exposure. in other words, taking photos by trial and error (as a chimpanze would do - see the connection now? ;))

Remeber that experts (film photographer) always advise people do bracketing when come to magnificent, but tricky shots .... isn't that a form of trial and error also (of coz, the allowance of error margin is much smaller here)? It's just the act of looking at the LCD appears silly... :p

Of course I chimp! The rate of people blinking whilst the flash goes off is so high you just have to make sure you captured the correct moment where both eyes are open :eek: hahaha

btw...referring to taking snapshots with consumer digital cameras :p

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