the world of cheapskates know no bounds...

This one better than aaron tan!

The thread grows funnier with each hour. LOL

Those people rather do funny edits to kacau him than earn his $5.. Maybe this is what JasonB meant by got backbone. haha

reminds me of a certain hong guy. it was on CS. and it was even better than this :p

Awww.... I missed that one.. :)

Those people rather do funny edits to kacau him than earn his $5.. Maybe this is what JasonB meant by got backbone. haha

Maybe the funny edits are what he/she wants. :)
But the TS is very sporting.

By the way.... how we know that person in the photo is really the TS anyway... :think:

Maybe purposely put some enemy photo out for a laugh... :sweat:

Awww.... I missed that one.. :)

Maybe the funny edits are what he/she wants. :)
But the TS is very sporting.

By the way.... how we know that person in the photo is really the TS anyway... :think:

Maybe purposely put some enemy photo out for a laugh... :sweat:

He doesn't look like he's offended that his photos were abused, and he doesn't seem concerned that his problems were not solved as well. I thought he mentioned that it's urgent.. :eek:

he should have posted in CS... cos there will be people who will do it for $5. really. :rolleyes:

post in digital darkroom and ppl will do it for FREE. guessing that someone who post the pic..might not be the person afterall.. maybe just trolling or wanna sabo friend..not new in that forum anyway..

Once in awhile there will have such thread..then members will just come out with funny edits or really funny quotes (pretty cool and amazing really..).. Its a cool forum if you have free time and would like to have a laugh.