The Random Thread- SEASON 4!! (we present a lucky 4 digit number to u. 1576)

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SurrealDreamWalker said:
Good morning!

yo iguanavon, do enjoy your trip-cum-pohot in Batam.

And then post your shots here ;p

I went there to work, lol. Now stuck on the ferry because the captain says he don't have the permission to dock, wtf? Lol

iguanavon said:
I went there to work, lol. Now stuck on the ferry because the captain says he don't have the permission to dock, wtf? Lol

Hahaha swim over lah:bsmilie:

Anybody want to skip work to go shoot? Lol

Good morning! On the way to batam now...

Hahaha swim over lah:bsmilie:

LOL... i thought you went there for a break :confused:

The sea is not "smooth" to swim back de. Otherwise the strong current will teleport you as far as to south-west Australia then you will kena "dinner" by the Great White Shark.. :sweat:

crap. i think i'm having a fever from getting caught in the rain yesterday :bsmilie:

SurrealDreamWalker said:
LOL... i thought you went there for a break :confused:

The sea is not "smooth" to swim back de. Otherwise the strong current will teleport you as far as to south-west Australia then you will kena "dinner" by the Great White Shark.. :sweat:

Haha I think before he meet a shark, he will kena the Singapore coast guard first :bsmilie:

kei1309 said:
crap. i think i'm having a fever from getting caught in the rain yesterday :bsmilie:

Take 2 panadol and go rest ar, if tmr morning still not ok then go see doc

Thanks to spree's suggestion, I have swam back safe, sound and dry, lol

spree86 said:
Take 2 panadol and go rest ar, if tmr morning still not ok then go see doc

Don't take medication! Let it really become fever so you can get 2 days mc! Lol

Hahaha I made that post right? But I was thinking also, for same amount have HSM and OS, very attractive leh

But if not sharp wide open then 18-55 like better leh...

kei1309 said:
awww. thanks for the concern... but too much crap at work to clear up. can't take MC LOL!

Seems like many people have this notion of sick also must go back to clear work...

Work more important than health? And your colleagues will appreciate if you don't spread your virus around.

But if not sharp wide open then 18-55 like better leh...

get a prime lens :D

Seems like many people have this notion of sick also must go back to clear work...

Work more important than health? And your colleagues will appreciate if you don't spread your virus around.

hmm not that work's more important than health but it's who's monitoring your work that's important :bsmilie: can't reveal too much because i've got colleagues who're into photography in CS as well :bsmilie:

But if not sharp wide open then 18-55 like better leh...

You'll need the f2.8 more at the long end than at the wide end. Just get the Tamron, or save up a lot more and get the Sigma 17-50 OS HSM :bsmilie:

kei1309 said:
get a prime lens :D

hmm not that work's more important than health but it's who's monitoring your work that's important :bsmilie: can't reveal too much because i've got colleagues who're into photography in CS as well :bsmilie:

It's the rat race again! Lol

brapodam said:
You'll need the f2.8 more at the long end than at the wide end. Just get the Tamron, or save up a lot more and get the Sigma 17-50 OS HSM :bsmilie:

I have no idea what are you all talking about. Lol

Next time lenses will be VS IS VR OS HSM AD ABS SBG EW CR LOL. Just like cars, all the short forms but nobody really knows the meaning.

Why headache? I thought you are the president of your club? Ask yr kah kia go and do lah:bsmilie:

cause tmr i no longer president:bsmilie:

jking jking. i'm supposed to step down officially. but cca is new. still needs my tender loving care:heart:

my jc1s are amazing bunch of ppl. <3 them ttm.

cause tmr i no longer president:bsmilie:

jking jking. i'm supposed to step down officially. but cca is new. still needs my tender loving care:heart:

my jc1s are amazing bunch of ppl. <3 them ttm.

tomorrow you're president of singapore :D

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