The Performers

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New Member
Nov 9, 2005

Leica MP, Voigtlander 35/1.7, Velvia

wow! Excellent picture with lots of emotion. I really enjoy watching this picture. You can feel the competition between the kids , who will attract the audience/parents the most? Thanks for sharing!!!

there r so many things going on in the photo, and u still managed to get the girl to smile for u. brilliant.

Fabulous pix with available indoor lights - looks very natural. Great capture of the moment.

Brilliant! The kids just seem to pop up (especially the boy in stripes) from the the picture. But more than that, those expressions! This is a classic - the kind you seen in LIFE magazine or something. Just wondering if the top was cropped more to leave out the lights/fixures in the top left and right corners would there be an even better result?

Excellent camera in the hands of the right photographer. :thumbsup:

What a great moment. However what could have made this composition even more stronger in my opinion if you had created more depth, captured the subjects flat on (not slightly angled as with the present composition), and created a tighter crop vertically.

I love the fact that you included the parents behind, which gives the viewer more insight to the composition, but having them more OOF would have been much better, as i find them a little too distracting in the background.

A tighter crop vertically would help to composition out abit as the dead space is kinda distracting, esepcially with the highlights on the window panes on the background.

I would have loved this even more if it were b/w, but the colours from the velvia are still great, the colours on the girl's dress give it almost a surreal, painting like look.

overall, great shot, captured a nice moment in time...

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