The New Generaiton :(

I read about two beating deaths in Singapore on Asia One today. ???

Also saw a picture from another Asian country of a young boy with a toy rifle bayonetting a poster of a caricatured American GI (in grossly outdated fatigues haha).

Is it getting really hot over there or something?

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A little off tropic. This chopping of table and seat need to be addressed. Of course the main reason is overcrowding which is something nobody wants to look at. While I agree reserving seats are bad, try buying a tray of food and walk around the entire food centre and you cannot find an empty seat.

For people with flexible lunch hours, they can always go after the lunch crowd has cleared. This is usually before 11.45 to 1.30 pm. But how many of our employees have this luxury? More planning from URA is required as part of urban living requirement.

A little off tropic. This chopping of table and seat need to be addressed. Of course the main reason is overcrowding which is something nobody wants to look at. While I agree reserving seats are bad, try buying a tray of food and walk around the entire food centre and you cannot find an empty seat.

For people with flexible lunch hours, they can always go after the lunch crowd has cleared. This is usually before 11.45 to 1.30 pm. But how many of our employees have this luxury? More planning from URA is required as part of urban living requirement.

as what you have mention, the peak hour only occurs in certain time of the day and space is limited.
not everyone can afford flexible lunch hours, but how about flexible space for lunch hours?

whoever can fill the needs, can make a profit from it. :)

A little off tropic. This chopping of table and seat need to be addressed. Of course the main reason is overcrowding which is something nobody wants to look at. While I agree reserving seats are bad, try buying a tray of food and walk around the entire food centre and you cannot find an empty seat.

For people with flexible lunch hours, they can always go after the lunch crowd has cleared. This is usually before 11.45 to 1.30 pm. But how many of our employees have this luxury? More planning from URA is required as part of urban living requirement.

Why can't we be like Ang Moh just eat sandwiches or bergers or hotdogs for lunch?

We can sit anywhere under the sun and eat them and drink coke or sprite or ice lemon tea.

This obsession of only wanting to eat laksa, wanton mee, noodle soup etc. has got to stop.


I am more concern about the rise in intolerance and unforgivingness. Must every minor dispute escalate to police - with huge social backlash?

It is vitally important that we treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. I often wonder though if mankind was never designed to be this way. The human condition is such a convoluted subject.

Look at our closest animals relatives the chimpanzee and the bonobo. It seems man was made in this same fashion...some so very loving others warmongers.

It has always been this way probably always will be this way. If you look at it to hard it will make you sick, literally sick.

Several months ago I was at the supermarket trying to get in line. A little old very old lady was getting precooked chickens and blocking the way. She kindly moved aside to let me through. As I moved on through another woman quickly pushed her cart in front of me. I should have been courteous and let the woman go first as I usually do. Instead I backed up rather briskly to move to another line. In doing so I ran into the little old lady who had repositioned to select her eyes in the back of my head, a somewhat hot temper after a long day at work, 185 pounds of hard muscle vs a 90 year old frail woman, a store with everything jammed at the front for impulsive buyers, a greedy rich store, when I bumped auntie she face planted...hard. She died the next day. I have to live with the crap knowing I inadvertently caused her demise. If only something could have been a little bit different. Be careful out there it is a dangerous dangerous place. Be aware of others as you might hurt them without even trying. Thankfully the crowd did not lynch me but I saw a few eyes there and I did not like what I saw in them.

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I am more concern about the rise in intolerance and unforgivingness. Must every minor dispute escalate to police - with huge social backlash?

why can't bring this case to the police? is this poor old man has no human rights?

and you really think yelling at a stranger is a small matter? shoving an elderly is no big deal?

how would you feel if you were being yelling at?

anyway, if ones don't want to behave, why KPKB when a big stick being bought out?

just remember, 忍一时风平浪静, 退一步海阔天空. and this too apply to all the keyboard warriors.

忍一时风平浪静, 退一步海阔天空

I think I will have that tattooed on my arm to remind me. I am getting better at it as I grow older however.

Perhaps it is a total misconception on my part or some sort of stereotype thing but I always have heard and read that many or most Asian folks are very respectful and reverent towards their elders so when I hear about cases like this one I think okay well where did that come from? The devil?

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Well one thing is for sure. They are definitely UnSingaporean.

Contrary to what you believe, these 2 behave like typical Singaporeans ...............everywhere in public also want to chope. :what:

Can see why Ah Lian very perturbed because her Ah Beng always come from behind ................ :0

Contrary to what you believe, these 2 behave like typical Singaporeans ......

Fake reportage is taking over I guess... :dunno:

Can see why Ah Lian very perturbed because her Ah Beng always come from behind ................ :0

Had to look those terms I see...we have these kind of people also...we call them Trumpsters. :bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie:

Or Jimbo and his Bimbo

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A little off tropic. This chopping of table and seat need to be addressed. Of course the main reason is overcrowding which is something nobody wants to look at.

Tell me about it ......public toilet nobody chope... but still have to queue just to take a pee ............. :)

News Flash: Ah Beng and Ah Lian summoned by police today. :thumbsup:

why can't bring this case to the police? is this poor old man has no human rights?

And since when did I say he has no right?

The point is that there are things you CAN do, and there are things you ACTUALLY do. Very often the latter requires wisdom, kindness and forgiveness.

In any case, I wasn't talking about the old man. I was talking about the general witch hunt and call for blood.

It is a very stressful and crowdy environment. Must learn to be inclusive and be more understanding.

We can't insist what people should eat but not everything is measured via profit. so if we generate that kind of population, we need to study how amenities can support them. Isn't that part of urban living design?

A little off tropic. This chopping of table and seat need to be addressed. Of course the main reason is overcrowding which is something nobody wants to look at. While I agree reserving seats are bad, try buying a tray of food and walk around the entire food centre and you cannot find an empty seat.

For people with flexible lunch hours, they can always go after the lunch crowd has cleared. This is usually before 11.45 to 1.30 pm. But how many of our employees have this luxury? More planning from URA is required as part of urban living requirement.

1. The design of the tables are bad and the tables takes up too much space. We are not Big America or Australia. We have to learn to make use of our space wisely.

The tables should be long and arrow like the wooden tables and chairs of our school canteens.

2. There should be priority seatings for elderly and infirm in food courts.

3. Outlaw chopping seats and impose heavy fines. We can do it. Remember we are a Fines society.
