The Naked Cowboy

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Senior Member
Jan 21, 2002
Yup, only in New York can you make a living as The Naked Cowboy!


Just drop in some coins into his boots and you can have a picture taken with him!


And for your money's worth, you get both the front AND the back shot. What a steal! (And you get to see the label, 'The Naked Cowboy'


Those boots are LOADED! ... with money!


singapore no cowboys leh... :(

renegade said:
hey zaren, we will make u the 1st ... :p

you so clever to talk! who posted a pic of himself in a cowboy outfit here? :blah:

renegade said:
hehehehehe. err ok ok .. i buy u coffee ... shhhh

:bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Think recently there was some newspaper article abt more & more women appearing in bikini tops in orchard... so whats with a guy in underwear? or 2 guys for the matter? So, renegade & zaren, pls tell us date & time you'll be appearing? Its after all, the Singapore Street Festival! ;) :devil:


nuts said:
Think recently there was some newspaper article abt more & more women appearing in bikini tops in orchard... so whats with a guy in underwear? or 2 guys for the matter? So, renegade & zaren, pls tell us date & time you'll be appearing? Its after all, the Singapore Street Festival! ;) :devil:


err ... cannot lah, body cannot make it ... hehehe ... later people tink got pig running around. hehe. oh sorry OT too much liao. keekeke

nuts said:
Think recently there was some newspaper article abt more & more women appearing in bikini tops in orchard... so whats with a guy in underwear? or 2 guys for the matter? So, renegade & zaren, pls tell us date & time you'll be appearing? Its after all, the Singapore Street Festival! ;) :devil:


it'll be so much more pleasant for the public if a CSer with a good body (e.g. willyfoo) appeared in underwear instead. :blah:

wat does the Naked Cowboy do when he gets cold?

foxtwo said:
wat does the Naked Cowboy do when he gets cold?

he does bigger group shots.

zaren said:
singapore no cowboys leh... :(

Come on..You be the first one. Dont make singapore guys XIA SUAY hor..
Steady..we support you.

我不入地狱,谁入地狱 :devil: WHAHAHA!

American cowboy..singapore leh ??? Merlion boy..

foxtwo said:
wat does the Naked Cowboy do when he gets cold?
Actually, its already quite cold as you can see the pple around are wearing coats & jackets... so I guess he has certain amt of tolerance, and probably takes a break during winter :)


lol...super OT liao ah hahaha..

but it sure'd be interesting to see something similar in theme at Orchard Rd! :devil:

Then again, better let the CSers know, so that can take photos before the police come and lead you away! :bsmilie:

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