The most useful foreign language to pick up in S'pore is...

I would sign up for...

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I was quite appalled to find Japanese ranking at the top. Well, other than the job opportunities, I can hardly find "Japanese" in any of our statistics regarding economy or for the advantage of our survival.

I am always captivated with the foreign dialogues, particularly the French (those great movies like Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain). I am picking up the French, Russian and Bahasa Melayu at this moment, though.

I should say French to come first amongst any other language; French is the true and first international language par excellence, especially in the trade of diplomacy; after all, EU is headquartered in Brussels and the IFRC is located in the French partition of Switzerland.

Well of course, for Singapore, I find it quite a laborious task to actually get non-Chinese to learn Chinese; after all, Chinese is one of the official language and the language of a racial group that exists here. In addition, to get the populace to learn Chinese, it seemed to stereotype the non-Chinese, and having leaders criticising the standard of Chinese speakers here (for the sake of invading the exploding Chinese mainland market), is an indirect attack against the non-Chinese speaking populace in Singapore.

Excluding Chinese, we come to Bahasa Indonesia. Well, perhaps Bahasa Melayu will do, after all, the words differs only by bits (though it sounds rather more formal than Malay). Indonesia contributes the largest share of the tourist visits last year.

So for those who are learning Japanese to pleases those folks from East Asia, perhaps it will sound better if you start speaking some Asian language closer to our origin.

And remember, let your racists stereotyping intuition be rid; Indonesians do not necessary mean maids or workers of our unwanted jobs, just as the case for Malaysians.

Slivester said:
I was quite appalled to find Japanese ranking at the top. Well, other than the job opportunities, I can hardly find "Japanese" in any of our statistics regarding economy or for the advantage of our survival.

I am always captivated with the foreign dialogues, particularly the French (those great movies like Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain). I am picking up the French, Russian and Bahasa Melayu at this moment, though.

I should say French to come first amongst any other language; French is the true and first international language par excellence, especially in the trade of diplomacy; after all, EU is headquartered in Brussels and the IFRC is located in the French partition of Switzerland.

Well of course, for Singapore, I find it quite a laborious task to actually get non-Chinese to learn Chinese; after all, Chinese is one of the official language and the language of a racial group that exists here. In addition, to get the populace to learn Chinese, it seemed to stereotype the non-Chinese, and having leaders criticising the standard of Chinese speakers here (for the sake of invading the exploding Chinese mainland market), is an indirect attack against the non-Chinese speaking populace in Singapore.

Excluding Chinese, we come to Bahasa Indonesia. Well, perhaps Bahasa Melayu will do, after all, the words differs only by bits (though it sounds rather more formal than Malay). Indonesia contributes the largest share of the tourist visits last year.

So for those who are learning Japanese to pleases those folks from East Asia, perhaps it will sound better if you start speaking some Asian language closer to our origin.

And remember, let your racists stereotyping intuition be rid; Indonesians do not necessary mean maids or workers of our unwanted jobs, just as the case for Malaysians.

ah so... are you learning french to please folks from france, switzerland, canada or bla bla bla? everyone has their choice to learn whatever they choose to, and so do you. so please don't put down people who learn japanese.

Kim Dong Moon said:
Will try my luck and take this challenging opportunity to learn french next month .... wish me luck :)

bonne chance ;)

Apprenez la langue franaçais si vous voulez apprendre une langue étranger.. translated: Learn the french language if you want to learn a foreign language!!

tasha said:
Apprenez la langue franaçais si vous venez apprendre une langue étranger.. translated: Learn the french language if you want to learn a foreign language!!

Apprenez la langue franaçais si vous venez apprendre une langue étranger..

"Reality check" translation:

Learn French because very few people understand it in Singapore? Si vous si?

Sion said:
"Reality check" translation:

Learn French because very few people understand it in Singapore? Si vous si?

Mais si!! I learn it so that I can be confident with my french colleagues and also be confident overseas... It's not to impress my local friends here that I can speak a 'flowery' language...

Belajar bahasa melayu pun ok! hehehe.... come to think of it, more chinese in malaysia knows malay there than the chinese here.. and they speak better malay than our malay counterparts in SG and there!

tasha said:
Mais si!! I learn it so that I can be confident with my french colleagues and also be confident overseas... It's not to impress my local friends here that I can speak a 'flowery' language...

Belajar bahasa melayu pun ok! hehehe.... come to think of it, more chinese in malaysia knows malay there than the chinese here.. and they speak better malay than our malay counterparts in SG and there!

I agree with vous. When you learn a foreign language you also learn its culture, history, geography, food, music, songs etc. It's sort of extending the horizon thing.

Regarding Malaysian Chinese speaks better Malay. It's their compulsory subject in their totally Malay language education system. Malay is a relatively simple language to learn when compared to French or German.

Parlez-vous Singlish bien?

tasha said:
Apprenez la langue franaçais si vous voulez apprendre une langue étranger.. translated: Learn the french language if you want to learn a foreign language!!

français should be française, since langue is a feminine
étranger should be étrangère, same reason as above


burger said:
français should be française, since langue is a feminine
étranger should be étrangère, same reason as above


haha... well spotted bro... me intermediate student some more.. heheh no reasons to make such silly mistakes...

anyway.. my french colleagues now speak with english a singlish accent peppered with 'lahs', 'aiya'.... :bsmilie:

djork said:
ah so... are you learning french to please folks from france, switzerland, canada or bla bla bla? everyone has their choice to learn whatever they choose to, and so do you. so please don't put down people who learn japanese.

I supposed you did not read it through, or did not understand. I have no intention to put down anyone learning any language, just providing a point of view. And in this case, learning French because my family have recently found our maternal grandfather, who is a French eurasian.

Anyone know where to take Thai classes?

tasha said:
Apprenez la langue franaçais si vous voulez apprendre une langue étranger.. translated: Learn the french language if you want to learn a foreign language!!

Wah Kao, le lang jin wo eng hor? Kong french kong kar jin song leh! Singapore wo lang kong French meh? Wa arneh tua liao mah bo ki huey ke france leh... :sticktong

Of course Hokkien la, saw the poll no hokkien to choose, why bluff yourself??:thumbsd:

Slivester said:
I supposed you did not read it through, or did not understand. I have no intention to put down anyone learning any language, just providing a point of view. And in this case, learning French because my family have recently found our maternal grandfather, who is a French eurasian.
And you haven't read the poll question either: foreign language in Singapore...........

French is useful for Europe, and some countries in Africa and South America perhaps.....but not here......except for your personal reasons..........

You probably don't know that Japan is one of the biggest investors here, and the Japanese expatriate community is the largest in Singapore..........